The New Year

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Lunar woke up to Eliza getting her up. "Mom wake up it's New Years Eve!" "Huh?" "It's New Years Eve!" "Yeah but it's not till this evening." "I know but i'm excited." "Alright." She got up and Gunner had left for work early that morning. They both went downstairs and Lunar made her morning coffee and Eliza had a glass of milk which she already got herself before waking Lunar up as she was up when Gunner left. "I can tell your dad went to work, what time did he go?" "Around 4:30 in the morning." "What? Why?" "He wanted to get a head start to today so he could come home earlier for new years eve." "Oh... He's planning on surprising me again isn't he?" "My lips are sealed I made a vow not to tell you." "I knew it." "I didn't say anything." "I know but I can tell when he is. He makes you promise him you won't tell me." She looked down smiling. "What do you want for breakfast?" "Um..." "I want waffles and chicken." "Huh?" "It's a breakfast I learnt from an old friend in the United States of America. She introduced me to it and I have loved it ever since." Can I try that?" "Sure... uh oh I don't have chicken." "Oh." "I know a place to get them why don't we treat ourselves out and pick something up for dad?" "Yeah!" Lunar went back upstairs and got changed and grabbed her engagement ring and put it on the started admiring it. "Mom, are you coming?" "Yeah." She snapped out of her daydream she started of the wedding and grabbed her purse and went downstairs to put her coat and boots on. They got in the truck and went to a breakfast place she knew of, they sat down and the waitress came and handed them menus. "Hello, how are we this lovely day?" "Tired but it is the last day of the year." "Yes it is. Now here are the menus do you need time to think on what to drink?" "I'll have a glass of water." "Alright and how about you?" She turned to Eliza. "Um... I'll have an Iced tea please." "Alright one glass of water and a iced tea coming up." "Thank you." Lunar said and the waitress left. They looked at the menu and Lunar found it. "There Chicken and Waffles." "Ooh." "Do you want that too?" "Yes please." "Okay." They closed the menus and waited. After a few minutes the waitress came and handed them their drinks. "Are we ready to order?" "Yes. We're both having the same thing." "Alright that makes everything easier." "We'll both have the chicken and waffles." "Alright. Two chicken waffles anything else?" "Uh do you do to go orders?" "Yes." "Okay I'll do one of them to go because my fiance is at work and I didn't want him missing out on this." "Alright two to stay and one to go. I'll be right back with those." "Thank you." The waitress left and Eliza said. "What do you think of it so far?" "It's cool." "Cool." "Yeah." "Just wait till the food comes." "Okay." They waited and a few moments later their food arrived and she put it down. "There you go two Chicken and Waffles and the to go one is under the hot lamp to stay warm while you eat. When your ready to pay I'll bring it out. "Thank you." "You're welcome now is there anything else you need?" "No." "No." "Okay enjoy your meal." She left and they started eating. "MMM! This is so good." Eliza said out loud. "Yeah it is." Lunar said and they enjoyed their meal. Soon they were finished and Lunar paid and she got the to go one and they stopped by Gunner's work. "Hello, how can I help you?" "Hi, My name is Lunar Macbelford I'm Gunner Smith's Fiance. I have his lunch here for him..." "Daddy!" Eliza shouted seeing him. "Hi. What are you guys doing here?" "We went out and we brought you some lunch." "Oh thank you I was gonna go out to lunch but I guess I don't have to thank you." He kissed her and said to his colleague. "This is my fiance Lunar, I was telling you about her." "I heard he proposed over Christmas Eve." "Yes he did." She showed her the ring and she said. "Gunner how did you get this?" "It's a family secret." He said. "My Grandpa went with you to pick it out." "Yes." She smiled. "Okay, I am so sorry to cut this short but I gotta head back to work I was working on a case so I'll see you both at home." "Okay." "Thanks for the lunch." He kissed Lunar and then Eliza hugged him and he hugged her back and they went. "Now what do you wanna do?" "I don't know?" "Go home? Mall?" "Go home." "Okay." "Wait. Do we have hot cocoa at home?" "I don't think we do why?" "I wanna make some." "Okay. We'll stop off at the store and get some then." "Yay!" Before heading home they stopped and got some along with a few things for the babies as Eliza wanted to pick something out. They then headed home and when they got there Sara rushed out. "So so sorry but can you watch Michael and Angela for a bit? I had an emergency call I need to go to out of town." "Sure, You okay to drive out?" "Yeah. I'll call when I get there okay. Thank you so much and sorry for having this last minute thing." "It's okay. Be careful the roads are dangerous." "Yeah." She left and Lunar opened the door and Eliza helped get the things in with Michael and Angela helping too. They all got in and took everything off and Lunar put her slippers on and she went to the kitchen with some of the stuff and Eliza helped with the rest and Michael wanted to help too. They got everything put away and then they started on making the hot cocoa.

"There all done." Lunar said as she put the whipping cream on and the shaved chocolate. "Ooh that looks so good." Eliza said looking at it and they all had one and Lunar had the fire place going and they relaxed. Gunner came home and said. "I'm home." "Dad!" Eliza got up and raced to hug him. "Hi, what's this? Were having company?" "Sara had something come up and needed someone to watch them so I went and brought them in and we made Hot Cocoa Eliza wanna pour some for dad?" "Yes!" She went and got a cup and poured it in and then grabbed the whipping cream and chocolate shavings and put them on and gave it to him as he sat down. "Thank you." "You're welcome." They relaxed and Lunar plugged her switch and the kids all played till the count down. Half way Sara came home and decided to spend the rest of it with them and when it hit midnight they cheered and such and then after Sara went home with the kids. Lunar and Gunner went to bed after putting the fire out and Eliza helped by bringing the switch and such back upstairs and then they all went to bed after making sure everything is turned off and locked up and they went to bed entering a new year.

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