Canmore Storm

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After a week of training for Gunner, Lunar and Eliza were slowly packing to move to the new place in Canmore. Gunner was gonna move in and he was packing from his parents'house. He had got a few things for himself from the store and his mom helped him take it down with Lunar's and Eliza's stuff, within two weeks Lunar realized they packed everything up and were ready to move in. "Well gonna be there sooner than expected but that's okay." They went to the new place after Lunar decided to give the house to Taylor who was planning to move out but couldn't find the right place. "Thanks for giving me the house Lunar." "Not a problem you are working at a good place and you were saving up for one." "Yeah. Keep in touch okay. Visit." "Yes, and if I can't I will pick you up and take you with me." "Or unless I get a car." "You have your license?" "Yup. Just got it last week." "Nice." "Well see you later." "Yeah. See you later." She left and they drove to Canmore. As they got there Lunar looked around and smelt the fresh air. "Ah. Hello new home." She said happily and they went in and took the last of the boxes inside and then went into the kitchen and looked out the big window to the back where they had the view of the three sisters. She went onto the balcony and sat in the patio chair set she got and Eliza joined her. She had her coffee with her and Eliza sat next to her and Lunar put her arm around Eliza pulling her into a hug and they sat outside enjoying it until it began to rain. They went inside as it began to rain and Lunar opened a few windows because it was musty inside from the years of no one living in it. She let the fresh air in and the smell of rain came in. She then began opening the last of the boxes which were for her office. The house had 8 rooms 2 offices and the rest bedrooms. They had about 6 bathrooms including one in the living room which was a guest bathroom when they had people over or they just needed it when they were there. Lunar had gone onto her Amazon account and changed her address and updated all her things for mail and such. She mostly had stuff sent to her by Email but some were by paper. She sat on the couch next to Gunner and Eliza came and sat next to her and they relaxed next to the campfire with the tv on and they were watching a movie on disc since the wifi wasn't on yet she was waiting for technition to come in and set it up. 

A few weeks of living there Lunar went out by bike a lot with Eliza to the stores. She had gotten a wagon to attach to her bike and they would ride their bikes out to the stores and come home with it in there. They spent time talking to the neighbors and getting to know some people there, Lunar's Grandfather had decided to move into an old folks appartment complex which had nurses and such but they let them wander out around the place without having to ask for help. It was nice having family nearby and he could see Eliza more. He cared for her because he was making up for the lost time he lost with Lunar and his son. Lunar felt at peace there, Gunner had been going back and forth to Calgary and Canmore for his training but they were able to get him a position in the RCMP around Canmore and he was going to continue his training with them in a few months. Lunar had just finished helping Eliza with her homework and they were gonna take their bikes out. Lunar looked at the calendar and it was 2 weeks till Halloween and she said. "Oh crap! I forgot to take care of the decorations. Eliza honey can our bike ride wait? Or shall we go to walmart and get some decorations and your costume?" "Walmart." "Okay, let's go then." They got their bikes and put their helmets on and they went. As they rode over the bridge they took a left and waited for the light to go and when it went they rode their way there to the walmart then locked their bikes and went in with the wagon. "Okay, let's make a list." She pulled out a pen and notepad and began to write the things they would need. They then went to the section and began looking for the things they would need. They packed it all up in the wagon and went to the dollar store for a few decorations that walmart didn't have and they rode back home and brought the stuff inside. "Okay." "What's all this?" "I did not expect you home so soon!" She panicked seeing Gunner there on the couch still in his uniform." "They let us off early and I just got home." "How did you get here? I drove you to work today?" "A buddy from work drove me. Sam." "Oh I've met him haven't I?" "Yeah you have. He actually goes to a church in Calgary once in a while. Asked if we wanted to come along on sunday?" "Sure." "Okay. So I'll talk to him tomorrow." "Okay." "What's with this stuff?" "Halloween is coming and we haven't decorated which isn't like me at all I normally set it up shortly after my birthday but we were busy with the move and all that and I guess I hadn't realized what day it was and such." "Oh. Eliza going trick or treating?" "Yeah!" Eliza said happily and showed him her Elsa dress and Lunar said. "I'm gonna get a wig and do it myself and make her dress a little bit nicer as a kid ripped it when they tried it and we didn't see it until we were paying." "Oh no." "Yeah." "So I'm heading to the fabric store when we head into calgary." "Okay." "Tomorrow. We'll head out." "Okay. I have tomorrow off so I can join you." "Okay. Let's begin decorating for Halloween." "Yeah." They began to decorate the outside and Lunar made it almost like a haunted house. She had finished up with some cobwebs and then stood back to take photos and then she sent them to her aunt who loved every holiday. She went inside and began to make dinner. She made homemade burgers and frozen sweet potato fries which she baked in the oven. She put it all on the table and then some condiments and lettuce and tomatoes to make the burgers and then the buns she toasted in the frying pan a little and then put them on the plater and then called for the two. "Dinner Time!" "Okay." Eliza called and Gunner was on the couch and they all sat for dinner and Eliza came down the stairs and then went and sat in a chair and they began to grab some food and eat. Lunar had gotten them drinks ahead and napkins before they began to eat and they were having a small chat while having their dinner. "So tomorrow we're heading out to the stores and then what?" Gunner asked. "Lunch?" Gunner chuckled and then said. "Okay. Then after lunch?" "Uh... I'll make a list tonight." "Okay." "Can Michael come over?" "Michael? From school?" "Yeah." "Well we'd have to talk to his sister. And we're far away." "Oh." Gunner looked at her confused. "Michael is a friend from the sait childrens classes and he became her best friend when we were there and I did get to know his sister who is legal guardian who took him in after something happened with their family. She is nice and Maxwell knows her too." "Oh." "Yeah, we'll have to talk with his sister if he can come, and if he is it may be a sleepover since we're so far." She perked up with happiness. "Really?" "Yes but only if his sister is alright with it and he's gonna get a guest room to sleep in okay." "Okay." She was happy and after finishing her food raced upstairs to brush her teeth while Lunar and Gunner went and cleaned up the food and put any left overs away in the fridge in containers. They then did the dishes together and put them away. "You think it's gonna be a good idea?" "Maybe when Halloween comes." "Okay." "That way I can bring her to Calgary go trick or treating there, pick him up and then bring them here and do some trick or treating here." "Sounds like a plan." "Just gotta contact his sister." "Yeah." "Well what should we do now?" "How about we watch a movie just for the two of us?" "Yeah." They watched a movie together and Lunar fell asleep on the couch laying on Gunner and he fell asleep with the bowl of popcorn in his lap. 

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