The Funeral.

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Lunar woke after her nap from the doctors to her phone ringing. "Hello?" "Hi, is this Lunar Macbelford?" "Speaking." "Hi it's Wendy your grandfather's caretaker." "Hi Wendy is My grandfather okay?" "I'm afraid not. He... He went in his sleep the morning nurse called me at 5 am and said he went." Lunar was a bit shocked and stunned to speak. "He went peacefully." "Yeah... Uh... Thank you. For calling." "Yeah. I'll be here when you come." "Okay. I'll get a hold of my fiance and we'll be there soon." "Okay. Bye, and i'm so sorry for your loss." "Yeah. Thanks. We'll see you soon. Bye." "Bye." Lunar hung up and then burst into tears crying and it caught the attention of Eliza and her cat. "Mom?" Eliza came up to her and hugged her. "It's okay mom." She calmed down enough to tell her. "Honey... Your Great Grandpa. My Grandpa. He's gone..." "Where?" "Do see Grandpa." She knew and she cried and they hugged and cried for an hour till they got out and she called Gunner's work instead of his cell phone. "Hello..." "Hi George?" "Lunar what a surprise call. What's up?" "Is Gunner there?" "No he is on duty why can I take a message?" "Yes. Family emergency one." "Oh. That is urgent I can put you on his radio if you'd like?" "Yes please." "Okay just give me a few minutes." They here him switching things and pressing buttons and then he said. "Gunner Smith your Fiance is on the other end of this radio she says there's a family emergency." "Gunner. It's grandpa. He's gone. I got the call right after my nap and they said he went early this morning. Eliza and I are going to the home now to meet with Wendy and I think they'll want you there too." "Okay. I can ask if." "Take the cruiser with you meet your fiance there then after return the car and your buddy and then head home." His boss said over the radio. "Okay." He replied and they went and met at the seniors home where her grandfather had lived. "Hey." "I haven't gone in yet." "Let's go together then." "Yeah..." She was shaking and scared. They walked in and the receptionist said. "Hi who are you here to see?" "My fiance's grandfather just passed, David Macbelford." "Oh yes his nurse mentioned you were on your way you can go in I am so sorry for your loss." Lunar nodded while Gunner spoke. "Yeah, thanks." They went and as they got to the room the nurse was there. "We got him all cleaned up and you can see him then decide what you wanna do. Lunar nodded and Gunner thanked her and they went in and Eliza didn't know what to do because she went through this before and it was hard enough then. They saw him laying there and Lunar tried to stay calm but couldn't she felt the grief hit her like a truck and she cried. 

They watched as they took him into a hearse and went to the funeral home. Lunar stayed with Eliza at the home where they went and got a few boxes and the nurses helped them pack everything up that was his and they put it in the back of Lunar's truck and she tried helping as much as she could but with her pregnancy she couldn't. Once the truck was packed they went home and Gunner unloaded it with his partner who came along and they put it in the storage room temporarily till they could look through everything when the time was right. Lunar had spoke to the funeral home and they arranged the date and she sent out messages and emails to the family that was still left even if it was her mother's side of the family they cared about him. After a long phone call with her grandmother and aunt they drove down from Edmonton to help. "Hey." Lunar said opening the door to them. "Hey sweetheart, I am so so sorry for your loss." "Thanks Grandma." She hugged her and they hugged for a while. 

After the hugging and greeting they had sat in the living room and Gunner got the rest of the week off work and he was helping as much as he could as well. They had gone to the mall and got their funeral outfits and then after they went for lunch and after they went to a sports store there to get some new things for them and Lunar got some things for the twins when they were born. 

After their shopping they went home and relaxed the rest of the day with Lunar emailing some more people and letting them know as well even though the funeral was the next day. "And sent." "Who are you sending the funeral invitation to now?" Gunner asked sitting next to her and made her a drink and himself. "I was emailing some old friends of my parents that I found out the ones who knew her before her whole thing." "Oh." "And Taylor and Sarina's mom and them because I haven't told them yet." "Ok." Her email went off. "It's Taylor." She opened it and it read. 

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