A New Start

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"GET OUT!" "FINE!" Lunar Snapped back at her mother who had been abusive to her entire life. She gathered all her things and packed up she grabbed her cat Shadow and his food and water dishes and food bag and Litter box and everything and packed up. She went and grabbed her secret stash of money for College she'd been saving up for years and she applied this year but when she got a letter in the mail her mother found out and wanted her to stay home like she did, her dad divorced her mom years ago but was paying child support so her mom never worked. She stayed home and in her mind girls were the maids and house workers and they took care of everything. She was abused by her because of it, she used the money her dad would send and use it to pay their bills and had only spent money on things that weren't worth it. She had a good family but her mother was the worst. She called her Grandmother up and told her what had been happening and that she was going to Calgary to her best friends and she's taking everything with her. Her Grandmother told her to go and she'll deal with her mother. She packed up the rest and left her furniture because she didn't need it. She took all her clothes which were two pj sets and four pairs of pants and shirts and three pairs of socks and only 4 pairs of underwear and bras. Her mother didn't give her much and she believed she was ungrateful when her mother didn't give her much. She only had the phone from her dad and the rest including the cat and her laptop and for putting her in school he was the one who gave her a lot she had makeup because of him. Her mom didn't like that but had to deal with it or she'd be threatened by her family again to get Lunar taken away and she didn't want that. Lunar had gotten a dodge challenger 2014 model from her aunt and uncle as a present for graduating and getting her license. She was very independent and did things she wanted to do like go work and go to school. She was always brought down by her mother and when she turned 18 she grew confident to fight back. She left with her cat in the passenger seat and buckled him in and she got in the driver's seat and drove. She went from Edmonton to Red deer and stopped for gas. She got a big bottle of water and some food and drinks for her self and her cat she took his water dish out and poured some water in it and went and opened his carrier door and put the water in and he was drinking. She patted him a bit then sat on the curb in front of him taking a drink of soda pop she bought and she said. "Don't worry baby boy mama will find us a place." He kept drinking water and she pulled her phone out and then her grandmother called. "Hi Nana." "Hi sweetie. Your mom isn't speaking with us either do you want to lay changes on her. I realize how abusive she's been to you and I'm sorry for not seeing it earlier. I blame myself for that but it's not too late is it?" "No, it's not too late please do what she needs to learn. I won't be coming back for awhile i'm in Red Deer heading to Calgary i'm going to find some of my friends and since i'll be going to college there there's some work there too." "Okay, You're old enough now to do your own responsibilities and you chose what is best for your life. We are still here to help you out if you need any help or advice good luck and phone us when you get to your friends place okay." "I will nana Love you thanks a lot." "You're welcome and I love you and i'm sorry for how we didn't see how your mother treated you." "It's okay. Bye" "Bye." She hung up Shadow was finished with the water and he was laying down relaxing she took the rest and dumped it on some plants and then put the bowl back and got in the drivers seat and started driving to the highway and she got stuck behind a train so she took out a bag of chips she got for snacking on and she opened them and snacked while waiting and then she grabbed the bag she bought the stuff in and put in the mini garbage bag she had gotten from the dollarstore a few months ago to put trash in. She put the empty chip bag in and then took her car charger and plugged her phone in and then put the aux cord in her phone and started playing her car music. She started groving and then the train went and she drove and the rest of the way she was having music playing and her AC going since it was summer and she was on the highway. She got to Airdrie and stopped for a late lunch since it was only 2:40 pm and she got fast food which was a treat for her because she never really allowed it. She ate at a park in her car with her laptop writing a new Resume and she went to the public library and quickly printed off a few leaving her car on with ac and such she had the second key and the other was in the car that was locked and she printed off a few and went back to her car and then went and put the resumes in a binder and organized them and went to Calgary. She got to Chinnok Mall and went online and applied to some places and then she went to a Starbucks and got her guava passion fruit drink iced trenta. She drank it and got to her friends house and called her grandmother. "Hello?" "Hi Nana i'm at my friend's place." "Okay good. We have a case file on your mother but uh... She ran away theres an arrest warrant in place and she seemed to flee Edmonton leaving everything behind. Your aunt and uncle and I are staying here and the house with a few officers seeing if she returns home." "Okay be safe I love you guys." "We love you to talk to you soon okay." "Yeah. Bye I love you." "Love you too sweetie. Bye." She then went and phoned her best friend Taylor. "Hello?" "Look outside." "What?!" "Look outside." "Why? Lunar you're scaring me." "Just look outside please." "Fine... Oh! WAIT! WHAT?!" She hung up and ran outside in seconds Lunar opened her window and Taylor said. "What happened?" "My mom and I fought and argued I stood up she kicked me out and now she's got an arrest for her in edmonton and soon to be here because she left before the police got there. She left everything and so my grandmother, aunt, and uncle are staying with a few officers at the house to wait and see if she returns." "Oh..." "I took what I could and needed and I used some of my saved up money to buy food and water for shadow I brought him and his stuff and yeah I up and left." "Oh." "I was wondering if I could talk to your mom if she's alright if I could stay and I sent in a few resumes to places at the mall and I printed off at the library some so when I get my things settled I can go out and hand them out." "You can stay sweetie." Taylor's mom said out "Are you sure?" "I'm sure you're like a daughter I never had and we no longer have a room mate he moved out so you can take his basement sweet." "Okay thanks." She said and got out and their mom yelled inside the house. "SARINA! COME OUT AND HELP PLEASE." "Coming... LULU!" "Hi Sarina." She hugged her and they went and brought everything inside. They got the spare mattress out and Lunar set up her room and she grabbed cleaning supplies from upstairs because the old person who lived there was messy. She cleaned any mold and mildew and finished by midnight and Taylor came in and brought some food. "What started the fight might I ask?" "I got a letter from SAIT and my mom didn't like it, she is against girls going to school but I was lucky my dad sent me to school my mom is old school in a way. She listened to the man but she didn't like it when my dad allowed me to go to school. She assumes all girls stay home and clean and take care of the kids and all that. The men go to school and get the work and bring the money in." "Oh." "She abused me in private and I never got my school work done. The reason I was always doing house chores and getting spanked was because I talked back. These cuts are from her." "Oh.. Your family does not see it?" "No because she never did it in front of them. They overheard the fight over a facetime call and now they're having my mom arrested for abuse and all that." "Oh. She did it secretly and told you if you told the family she'd kill you or put you up for adoption?" "No worse. She'd lock me up in the basement forever." "Oh." "No food, water, bed, toilet, or baths/Showers." "That's cruel." "Yeah when I got to stand up for myself I said if you try the family will not believe your lies and they'll figure out what you've been doing and have you arrested." "She does not believe you'd do it?" "No more she got scared and stopped for a bit and then she found out I was going into SAIT and she got real mad. She didn't believe education was for girls yet she went to school that I don't get?" "She went to school because of her mother." "Yeah grandma was always happy when I went to school. She always said your education is very important and I always was the good student I had a lot of A's and it's like my mother was never happy when I'd come home with a 100% on a test." "She didn't care about you either I could tell you had to feed for yourself and that's why you wanted to move to your dad's a lot to get away but she didn't want you to go." "My dad even went and got a lawsuit against her saying she can't have me and he legally had full custody of me. Mom however went and decided to change that." "She wasn't allowed to." "She had connections she said." "What connections?" "I don't know she never said who or what she was doing but she'd go somewhere and then finally after a while she'd come home but she'd leave right before I'd go to school and then right before I would come home. One day I stayed home sick she didn't care I was sick so I had to call myself sick and they'd ask to talk to her and she said no I told them she was busy but said yes and they believed it. When they found out it was me and how sick I was over the phone calls they realized my mom didn't care for me." "Oh, They try to get her arrested?" "Yeah but there was no evidence I took pictures among pictures and videos of her abusing me and they said she wasn't guilty." "That's not right." "Well with more evidence of her kicking me out I filmed with my phone I'm gonna go and make a whole video of it." "I assume you're gonna post about it?" "No I'm gonna make it for when she has the court hearing. No music nothing just all of it clipped together." "Well that's probably a good thing." "Yeah I suppose it is. I do wanna make a Youtube account for not only Gaming but Vlogs here and there." "That's a good idea." "Yeah. As a hobby." "Yeah." They loaded everything and Lunar went and drove her car into the drive way and parked it and locked it for the night and then she went and looked at the time it was almost 8:00 pm now and she grabbed a pair of pjs which was a tank top and pair of shorts. She never really had any clothes because of her mother she had one pair of pjs and then her shirt and Jeans and then one pair of bra and underwear. Her dad would try and buy her clothes but her mother would take them and sell them online of give them to the thrift store. She went to bed on the air mattress and her blanket she had and a few pillows and she fell into a deep sleep. 

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