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Book 1 Chapter 5


"So, is he hot?" were the first words out of her sister's mouth when they got on the phone later that week. The twins had tried to talk at least three or four times a week, but sometimes it went down to only two. Rebecca had still been trying to recover from the crazy story she experienced when she went to the garage.

"YES!" Rebecca said before she could stop herself, "he's a part of some motorcycle thing. All of them were wearing this leather vest," she groaned as she laid down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. "I only know the name of two of them," Rebecca said, rolling her eyes a bit as she rolled over on her stomach, laying her phone down in front of her and putting it on speakerphone.

"That's crazy that you saw him there?" Sam's voice came through with a slight tease, "I mean, I remember when you called me up to tell me when you first cleaned his teeth. I swear you had a crush on him right then."

"Shut up," Rebecca groaned, only making her sister laugh. "You remember those kids I talked to you about, Kenny and Ellie?"

"The twins who have the same last name?" Rebecca knew she couldn't keep her thoughts from going haywire, and she had to tell someone. While Rebecca was social, she also had difficulty making friends as she didn't get out very much or do the party club scene.

"Yeah, well, they are his," Rebecca explained as she felt like she would go insane with the feeling that she saw him. Rebecca was crushed when she went into Chino that day, and the big handsome man wasn't there when she made clean rounds. "He never told me their names when we spoke, so I didn't know they were his." Rebecca couldn't wrap her mind around the interaction. Rebecca was just a fill-in dentist that came twice a month to do teeth checks. She never met the parents or had access to their personal information besides medical history. If something was wrong or they needed medical attention, Rebecca was to call the nurse.

"So ask him out," Samantha said, "If you like him so bad, just ask him to take you to the back room and make you call him daddy."

"Are you stupid?" Rebecca replied in a flat tone. She was not in a million years going to do that. "There is no way I will walk up to him and ask that. Plus, he is married. He talked about her in Chino," Rebecca knew that she was not a homewrecker, nor would she try to become one. She couldn't ruin a family, her own was destroyed at the hands of her father, and she couldn't do that to someone else's. The twins knew how it was to be raised without a mother at a young age when you needed them.

Rebecca could hear Samantha mull over what she said and then let a resounding sign. "I guess you're right." Rebecca knew she was. She couldn't take the chance of hurting anyone, so she kept her mouth shut and went on about her day. "What does your schedule look like in a month or two?"

Rebecca shrugged but knew that her sister couldn't see her, "nothing really, work and some remodeling to the house. why?"

"I was thinking about you coming down for a visit, you could visit Nanna," Rebecca smiled. Family was so important to the two of them. Being raised by an Italian grandmother and father, family and social events were weekly. Rebecca sometimes felt guilty for the sacrifices that her sister made for their family that she couldn't. Samantha knew what she wanted to do by the time she was in middle school, going to Tennessee for those years while she finished up school was a no brainer. The only problem was when she got out, their grandmother fell and broke her hip. During that time Rebecca still had a few more semesters to complete and knew she couldn't do what needed to be done. So, Samantha stepped up to the plate, she moved back to Tacoma.

"Absolutely," Rebecca missed her sister and grandmother, sometimes she thought about just going back to Tacoma and not leaving. At least there she was safe. "How's the clinic going?"

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