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Book 1 Chapter 10


Opie wasn't sure where he was. His eyes were heavy with sleep as he lay in what he assumed was a bed. He was tired and hungover from the night before. Ope knew he should still be asleep, but someone was moving beside him. On him. Opie's eyes cracked open. It was blurry at first. His brain was fighting the sleep. He noticed he was in his old dorm room at the clubhouse. Opie squinted as he looked around to find the clock on the side table.

"Quit moving," same a tired voice from beside him. Opie jumped as he looked down to see a mop of black hair lying on his chest. Opie could his heart beating out of his chest. His mind was running with what could have happened that night and who was in his bed. While he had hoped it could be Rebecca, they had not taken any steps to end up being in bed together.

Groaning, the head raised to reveal the lady on his mind, "Ope, honey, please go back to sleep. I have a headache." Rebecca's brown eyes opened to show two heavy, bloodshot eyes.

Opie had so many questions. What happened to them last night at the party? He remembered the beginning when he scared off the two punks hitting on her and Tara, the games, the bets, but how did they get so drunk. Opie guessed with his lack of words. Rebecca took that as an okay. She lowered her head to his bare chest and snuggled up to his side.

"Sleep Harry," came the grumbled voice. Opie wasn't one for taking orders that weren't for the club, but how Rebecca said his name and snuggled to him eased him back to sleep.

The next time he woke up, it was cause he felt someone on him again moving. Opening his eyes, he noticed Rebecca was trying to shimmy across his body to get off the bed. He watched her quietly, seeing she was wearing his shirt from last night.

Mid shimmy Opie caught Becca's eyes as she looked up. Opie concluded this would be an odd thing to see if anyone should walk in. Rebecca was straddling his lower legs, arms on both sides of his stomach, as the pair stared into each other's eyes.

"I have to pee," was the whisper that came from the brunette as she shrugged and giggled before slipping the rest of the way off. Opie raised his head and watched her bar legs scamper towards the bathroom. Thoughts flooded his head as he raised enough to lean back on the bed's headboard. Had they had sex? Ope still had his boxers on, but that wasn't an accurate indicator. Oh god, did he screw this whole thing up?

He and Rebecca hadn't spoken about what they were, if anything. Opie had feelings for Rebecca and had them when he was still married and in Chino. Although, he wasn't sure if that was real feelings or if she was the first outside female he spoke to. However, now, it was different. They weren't an inmate and the prison dentist. Two people enjoyed each other's company, and Opie enjoyed Becca's. The kids loved her, which was important. But was Opie ready to bring another woman into the shit show that was his life? He had gotten his wife shot, although Rebecca tried to help him work out his guilt for that. Opie was scared to bring another woman in, but he knew he worried more about losing Becca.

Opie was pulled out of his deprecating thoughts when he heard the toilet flush and the water run. Opening the door, Rebecca stood there shyly looking at him. Opie wasn't sure what got to him more: she was wearing his shirt or how she bit her lip in his shirt. Opening his arms in an invitation, he waited for her to make a move.

He hadn't fucked up since Rebecca quickly walked back towards the bed and cuddled into his chest. Her skin was smooth and cool to the touch as he rubbed his thumb up and down the exposed skin under his shirt sleeve.

"Do you remember anything about last night?" Rebecca whispered from her place on his chest.

"Not really. I remember pool, the fight, then coming inside, and I think we played a game of spades." Opie's voice didn't seem so sure as his memory got foggy around that time of the night. "Something about shots,"

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