What can I say?

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This might be a stupid and shot chapter but I don't really mind, I just need a filler chapter. Something to keep y'all entertained for a bit.


Macey's POV:

That clearly did not go to plan...Florence wasn't even supposed to be home for another week. Such a buzz kill. God.

Now I know what you're thinking...'Macey what is wrong with you? You're such a crazy bitch' and to that, I say 'you're not wrong' but I saw Sam first, you know the rule. Finders keepers. Florence stole her from me so, I'm going to steal Sam from her. Florence will understand exactly how I feel. Sam is going to ever regret choosing her over me.

I walked down to my basement and started preparing what I was going to do so they would never see it coming. Sam will be mine, whether she likes it or not.

What can I say? You shouldn't mess with me. When you do, the worst happens. Maybe if Ms.Flo stayed until she was supposed to this would have all went to plan and she wouldn't go looking for Sam. Now I'm going to ruin her life. Karma's a bitch huh? Now if you'll exuse me I have to call a friend.

"Why are you calling me?" Um? Rude much?

"Hello to you too" I rolled my eyes.

"Hello. Now why are you calling me?" Gosh, what's this girl's problem?

"I need a little help with same again." This might be a litter hard.

"Oh no. I said last time was thr last time. You can deal with this yourself." I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down.

"I honestly don't care what you said. I'm the one paying you remeber? We had an agreement." It was time for me to put my foot down.

" I don't need you. I hvae my own buisness. I make lots of money from that."

"Don't you want to get her back for all the time she's treated you so badly?" I ask tryong to convice her to help me.

"She's just mad at me. I would be mad at her if she did the same thing to be honest. She's my sister and I'm done hurting her. Find someone else to do your dirty work." I was beyond shocked. I didn't expect this to come from her.

"Don't come looking for my money when your business fails Tracey. I can do this on my own." I said before hanging up on her. That bitch needs me more than I need her. I'll jusgt have to do this alone. It'll be much easier to do alone anyway, the chances of being caught are lower.

They're never going to know what hit them. Don't they know theres no such thing as happy endings?


Hey everone. Um I actually don't know if being alone makes it harder to be caught as I am not a criminal...so lets just pertend I know how to be a criminal and I'm for sure correct on that...

The next few chapters are gonna be...rocky...just like pray for Sam or somthing.

Little plot twist with Tracey ;) I hope y'all didn't like her too much...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this very short chapter, and enjoy having two updates in the same week. Do remember to stay hydrated and eat something. I'm very proud of each and everyone of you guys. I would like to thank everyone for 18.7k reads that's actually bonkers. Don't stop with the little coments every now and then as well, they make me smile! I will try to get the next chapter out asap and of course it will be longer than this one, this one was more to prepare y'all for the future and for me not to forget what I have set up for the plot.

I'm going to stop now so this author's note doesn't end up being longer that the story (I hate not having emojis. Without them I feel so boring)

Have a great night/day!

Love your fav,


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