part 3

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There y/n was crying while face palming her face .

Tae: Y/n ! Omo!
Tae hurriedly went near her and hugged her tightly.

Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach but ignore it . Which matters now is her crying .

Tae: Sorry , Y/n . I was just pranking you. But I didn't mean to hurt you. Sorry . Stop crying. I'll do everything to make it up for you . I promise .

Then Y/n quickly raised her head and said .

Y/n: everything ?
She asked with a happy face.

Tae: huh ?

Y/n: you said now you'll do everything.

She said while trying to cry again.

Tae: Yes yes . I'll do. Now tell me what do you want ?

Y/n: ok then follow me.

Y/n quickly pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears and left the dumbfounded Tae.

Tae(in mind): What a drama queen . But still she's mine even she is CreaKHeAd .

He shrugged off and followed y/n

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