part 4

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Soon they reached in front of McDonald .

Tae: what are we gonna do here ?
He asked as he was confused .

Y/n: you said you'll do everything right ?

Tae nodded.

Y/n: then treat me a breakfast .

Tae gave a wtf look .

Y/n: what ? Didn't you ? If you don't I'll cry again.

Tae: not not no no. Dont cry okay . Come let's go .

Tae said dragging Y/n into the restaurant. Y/n internally smirked .

Y/n (in mind): now you will pay dumb alien.

In restaurant

Y/n and Tae settled down in a table .

Tae: what will you eat ?

Y/n: calm down . Have patience.

Tae rolled his eyes.

Y/n : excuse me.
She said like jimin .

Tae: no not like my soulmate. It's hurt to see a dumb acting like my soulmate .

Y/n: whatever.

Then the waiter came.

Y/n: One burger, one sub sandwich, one large size chicken pizza, volcano pasta , double size beef steak and yeah one cola please.

Tae widened his eyes in shocked .

Waiter : are you sure mam ? I mean-

Y/n: do you have any problem ?

She said while glaring at the waiter .

Waiter : haha no mam. Carry on.

Then he nodded and went from there.

Tae ( in mind): Aw my poor credit card. This bitch.

Y/n smirked and said.

Y/n: that was only starter and main. Desert is still pending.

After hearing this Tae's jaw dropped . Now he was fully regretted the whole decision .

Y/n finished all the food as she was Hella hungry . Tae was shocked seeing her eat like this .

Tae(in mind ): how am I gonna tolerate this for my whole month. I think soon my company will get bankrupt .

He said in mind while mentally fake crying.

Y/n: now let's go . It's time for desert.

Then Y/n dragged Tae after paying and they reached at the Starbucks.

Then Y/n ordered few desert and ate all of them . Meanwhile Tae was falling into depression .

Tae(in mind): I will not, never bring this woman to a restaurant ever.

He was literally fake crying mentally.

The day went by this.

Usually y/n didn't eat this much moreover she ate less than anyone at her age. And this was for her revenge . That day y/n didn't eat afterwards.

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