part 6

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Time skip

After two days

At office

Tae pov-
It's been two days Y/n didn't come to office. What happened? Is something wrong ? Aisshhhh!!! This CreaKHeAd will give me a heart attack in my kydney someday.

End of tae pov.

After fighting in mind Tae decided to visit Y/n's house . By the way Y/n lived alone in her house . After a few minutes, Tae reached her house and pressed the bell.

There she is still in her night suit and holding her stomach.

Y/n : who is this ? Can't they let me rest for a minute?

Tae: no. They can't.
He said with a cold face.

Y/n sighed annoyingly.

Y/n: listen dumbo I'm not in a good mood. Get lost.

Tae: rude!

Then Tae pushed Y/n slightly and got inside her house.

Y/n: what the ! Get lost you alien.

Tae: No way. Btw mind explaining why the heck didn't you attend office for freaking two days?

Y/n: it's was Ahh!!

Suddenly she groaned holding her stomach .

Tae: Omo! What happen?

Y/n: a-ani. Nothing you go.

Tae: no way .

Then out of blue Y/n passed out and fall on the floor.

Tae: oh no Y/n !!!

Then he got near her up and started shaking her .

Tae: what should I do now?

Then he picked her up and layed her on the couch .

After 15 minutes

Y/n woke up slowly .

Y/n: ahh !
She groaned holding her stomach.

Tae: Y/n are you on your um period? Is it hurting because of that ?

Tae asked softly.

Y/n: ani. Actually , it was umm because of my alsar problem I guess.

She said lowering her head.

Tae: what ? Did you visit the doctor?

Y/n: Ani.

Tae: Then . Let's go.

Y/n : where we--?

Tae didn't let her finished and dragged her towards his car. Then they drove off to the hospital.

At hospital

Doc: Ms.Y/n ! Did you do dieting in the past ?

Y/n: yes doctor. I did dieting for 10 months but that was long ago. When I was a teenage . Then one day I passed out in bathroom because of extreme stomach pain. Since than I stopped dieting . Everyone suggestedmr to eat more. But I can't . Whenever I tried to eat more , I face alasar problem. That's why I eat less . Maybe from two days I faced the problem because few days ago I ate a lot.

Tae was listening and was shocked because he didn't know about as he was her classmate since childhood and their mother were friends. But never mentioned this problem of her.

Doc: as I assumed . You shouldn't diet at that early age. As you know, teenage is the most important part when we start growing properly. People need more energy by eating. For this , your body is still weak and also it's the reason of your alsar. You should try to eat little by little otherwise it can lead to big problem.

Y/n: I'll take care of my self doc. Thank you.

After that they left the hospital after buying some medicines and reached Y/n's house.

Tae: Y/n ! I want to talk.

Y/n: But I don't .
She said ignoring him.

Tae: Y/n ! it's serious.

Y/n was about to go but Tae pulled her hand and made her sit on his lap
as he was sitting at the couch.

**Y/n shocked, Tae rocked.**

Y/n: what are you doing ? Let me go.

Tae: Y/n! I said it's serious.

Y/n looked in his eyes and realized he was being dangerously serious.

Then Tae cupped her face and asked.

Tae: Y/n! Why did you diet at that time?

Y/n: Oh that I was I wanted to because I was fat .

Tae: was it because I told you back then.

Y/n looked away but Tae again cupped her face and directly looked in her eyes.

Tae: I got the answer. Come on Y/n ! I told that because of fun and you take it seriously. I didn't know it hurted you that much and because of me now you're suffering . I'm sorry. Plz forgive me.

At last sentence his voice slightly cracked and his eyes was becoming teary.

Y/n: Ani Tae. It's because I wanted to . You don't have to be sorry. It's true I was overweighted and I also wanted to look fit.

She said smiling weakly.

Suddenly Tae hugged her tightly and started sobbing.

Y/n: Tae ! Taetae!! It's alright paboya. I'll be fine.

She said while rubbing her back to calm him down .

Tae: Ani Y/n . How can I live without you . I will not leave you alone. I'll take care of you.
He said while sobbing.

Y/n: yaah Dumbo !! You're making me emotional .stop this .

She said while pulling away.

Tae: Ani . You're moving with me to my house.

Y/n: WHAT ? But why??
She asked while whining.

Tae: I said that's why. No arguing.
He said glaring at her dangerously.

Y/n smacked his head and ran away to her room.

Y/n: I'll not move with you.

Tae: let's see Lee Y/n. This time you have to stay with me .

He said smirking .

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