part 2

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Next Day

Y/n woke up because of her alarm and groaned

Y/n: Again I've to go to work What a life !!

She said dramatically and went towards her bathroom to take shower .

While showering suddenly the water stopped coming from . She pressed the button but nothing came out . And the worst part was her whole body was covered with soap bubbles.

Y/n: What the heck ? How did it happen ? What can worsen the day.

She rolled her eyes and came out from the bathroom with a towel wrapping her body and called the neighbour aunty .

The neighbour aunty helped with the matter. And for this she was late for her work .

Then she hurriedly got dressed and went to her office. Because of that she didn't take breakfast.

Y/n always likes to be punctual. Even she knew she can handle the matter if she reached office late. But still she hates herself if she lately reached somewhere even though she is a CreaKHeAd.

Y/n breathed heavily because in hurry she took stairs instead of lift.

Then she glanced at the clock and sighed as she arrived 2 minutes before the office hour started.

Y/n: Yes . I did it.

Meanwhile she heard a loud laughter .
Her gaze fall on the man and glared at him.

Y/n: why are you laughing?

Tae: looks like someone was gonna be late for some reason.

Y/n : how did you- did you did you ?

Tae nodded vigorously and brusted into laughter.

This made her furious . She stood in front of h and held his collar.

Y/n: How could you ? You freaking alien ! How could you ? For this I didn't take my breakfast. I used stairs now my leg is hurting. All of this because of you. I'll never forgive you.

Y/n got back and angrily went away from there .

Tae was shocked because y/n didn't react like this before . He saw pure anger in her eyes. Soon guilty began to form in his heart .

Tae : Aish ! I messed up

Then he hurriedly ran behind y/n . He followed her and reached the rooftop.

But the next scene broke his heartue.

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