part 9

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Tae then put a cold face and said .

Tae: so , I'm annoying huh! I was taking care of you and for you it was annoying. Then it's ok , I'll not annoy you onwards. Do whatever you want.

Then they both left from there angrily.

After that they didnt talk with each other for a week . Tae totally ignored Y/n . Y/n realized she fucked up . She was CreaKHeAd but still she loved him.she couldn't bear his ignorance. She pranked him to get attaintion from him. But Tae didn't react at all.

Y/n: Tae ! Taetae! Talk to me . I'm sorry. Please talk to me .

Tae again ignored her .

Y/n: Tae please. I'm sorry .

Now her eyes was becoming teary and she ran away from there.

Tae looked at her worriedly and decided to follow her .
Y/n reached at her rooms balcony and brusted into tears as she was sensitive but she doesn't want to show people her that side.

Y/n: why ? Why Tae doesn't talk to me . I said sorry . I love him. I can't bear her ignorance.

Tae was shocked to hear her confession . But Tae was planning something else.

He smirked and went from there.

After crying a lot y/n also went from there.

Y/n( in mind): I'll also ignore him . Let's see.

Next day
Tae entered her house with a girl holding her hand.

Y/n was shocked and jealous to see the view.

Tae: Rai !! You go sit in the couch. I'll come back after a while.

Y/n: yoU gO I wiLl ComE .
She said imitating Tae and left from there.

Tae(in mind): now Y/n will be jealous and confessed to me face to face just like the kdaram . Hehe.
He said smirking by his dumb plan .

Tae spent whole day with Rai but Y/n didn't showed up.
Then Rai left the house.

Tae(in mind): where is Y/n?

Then Tae went towards Y/n's room .
There she is lying in the floor.

Tae: Y/n !
He shouted and went near her .

Tae: Y/n wake up . Please wake up.

Y/n: Taehyung! Taehyung ! She said faintly.

Tae: yes Y/n . Your Tae is here. Don't worry my love.

Y/n: Tae do you love me ?

Tae: yes y/n . I love you . Please open your eyes.

Y/n: jinjaa!!!

Y/n quickly opened her eyes and jumped out of nowhere.

Tae : huh ! You ok ?

Y/n: yes.

Tae: were you acting?

Y/n : I think I can be a good actress.
She said flipping her hair.

Out of nowhere she smacked his head and ran away from there.

Tae: Yaahh!! At least give me my answer.

Y/n: The moon is beautiful isn't it ?
She said screaming and went outside her room .

Tae: what? Wait a min- yaah !! Y/n!! Come back.
He said blushing.

Though he knew the answer as he overheard her confession that day.

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