irl - four

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They had left the restaurant about fifteen minutes ago. Tina thought the lunch had been very fun, even though it was slightly awkward whenever she would accidentally make eye contact with Kit.

In the middle of the lunch, they had both been reaching for the same ketchup bottle and their fingers had brushed lightly against each other, which made Tina blush profusely.

Right now they were in a record store. The topic of music had come up during lunch, and as it turns out, more than half of the group collected vinyl, including Tina.

Tina was flipping through the albums in a particularly big crate of records when she heard something resembling a squeal from the other side of the store. Everyone turned their heads in that direction. It was Joe, "They have '30' by Adele!" He said excitedly and held up the album so they could see. They were the only people in the store except for the employees.

"You are a proper fanboy." Will said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Look!" Tina said to Kit who was standing next to her, "They have 'Lover' by Taylor Swift AND 'Cry Baby' by Melanie Martinez! I've been looking for both of these for ages!" Kit smiled at her excitement and said, "Well I guess it's your lucky day!" Tina nodded and made a beeline to the cashier.

Kit followed her, because he didn't really have an interest in records and he also liked being around her.

He stood next to her as she looked through the tote bag she was borrowing from Yaz. After looking through it for ten seconds she looked up with a solemn expression on her face, "I think I left my wallet at Yaz's place. I guess I'll have to get these another time." She said, gesturing to the records that were now lying on the counter.

Kit's heart sank. She had been so exited about these records twenty seconds ago and now she was unable to get them? He pulled out his wallet from his pocket and said, "I'll get them for you, Tina."

She turned to him and starred for a solid five seconds with a genuine expression of shock on her face. "What? No! Kit, they're literally £70 combined!" She protested, but he had already handed the cashier the money, picked up the albums and was now holding them out to her.

She continued to stare at him until he said, "I've already paid for them, Tina. They're yours, take them." He smiled at her.

She reluctantly took the albums from his hands with a quiet "thank you." She carefully put them in the tote bag, walked over to Corinna who was only standing a few meters away from them. She quickly handed Corinna the tote while saying, "can you hold this for a second?" Corinna took the tote bag and nodded.

Tina walked back over to Kit and engulfed him in a gigantic hug. "Thank you." She whispered in his ear in the middle of the hug.

" She whispered in his ear in the middle of the hug

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AN: Spontaneous fluff chapter anyone?

♡︎AN: Spontaneous fluff chapter anyone?

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