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*ig this chapter contains a few spoilers for the movie 'Ruby Sparks', but not really? If you haven't watched it though, you definitely should! It's really good!*

Kit knocked on the door of Tina's flat. His knocks were firm, but not aggressive. He waited silently for her to open the door, with a little smile on his face.

She had invited him over for a movie night, because according to Tina, it was 'a hate crime' that he hadn't watched 'Ruby Sparks' (one of her favorite movies).

After a few seconds the door opened, and there stood Tina. She was smiling happily at Kit, and his own smile widened as he saw her.

"Hey! Come in, come in!" She said excitedly. Kit did as he was told, and stepped into the flat while replying, "Hi, it's nice to see you!"

He had been at Tina's place many times before, but he still got little butterflies in his stomach whenever she would invite him over. Being around her just made him nervous - in a good way, definitely in a good way.

He took off his shoes and they walked side by side into the livingroom. He sat down on the sofa, which was standing opposite the tv, and made himself comfortable while she put the DVD into the DVD-player. The disc slid into the player as Tina turned around and sat down next to Kit, with the remote in her hand.

The DVD-menu popped up on the screen and Tina clicked the 'play movie' button. "I really hope you like this movie!" She said with an excited smile as the movie began. Kit smiled back and let out a little lighthearted laugh at her excitement.


The movie was almost finished now, they were at the part where Calvin forces Ruby to humiliate herself by writing down whatever actions he wants her to do, just to prove that he has full control over her.

Kit was watching the screen with furrowed eyebrows and a slightly shocked expression rested upon his face. "I thought this was a romance movie." He said carefully, "but, this is definitely more of a horror movie than anything." He continued.

Tina nodded in agreement, "yeah, I think that's the point though." She looked at him, "to make you think you are watching a lovey dovey movie about an author who literally makes his dream woman come to life and fall in love with him," she continued, "but in reality, it's a cleverly disguised horror movie about emotional abuse."

Kit's gaze moved from Tina to the screen and back to Tina again. "I can see why you like this movie," he said as it was starting to wrap up, "it's very good."

"I knew you'd like it." She said happily as she leaned her head on his shoulder. A soft blush coated Kits cheeks as soon as Tina's head touched his shoulder. He smiled to himself.

They sat like this for a while, just enjoying each other's company, but Kit was deep in thought. There was something he had wanted to tell Tina for a little while now, but he hadn't found the right moment...until now.

Kit nervously broke the comfortable silence, "um.. you know..." he trailed off and didn't continue his sentence. Tina lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him. "What?" She said, intrigued.

Kit shook his head, "forget it, it's stupid.." he said quickly. "No, I wanna hear what you wanted to say." She said, concern filling her eyes as she observed his nervousness.

"I... I really like you," he said sincerely, looking into her eyes. Her eyes widened. She stammered something incoherent, but after a few seconds she asked, "in like a romantic way?" She said it very carefully, as if she was scared he was going to laugh at her.

He nodded, still looking right into her eyes. They continued to look into each other's eyes for another few seconds, neither of them daring to say another word, scared to make the wrong move, -

—until Tina took a deep breath and slowly leaned in while closing her eyes. Kit sat completely frozen until her lips met his. His entire body relaxed and he closed his eyes as well.

The kiss was soft and gentle. Kit carefully placed his hand on Tina's cheek, and he could feel her cheeks burning, she was blushing just as much as he was.

They pulled away after a few seconds. Kit's hand stayed on Tina's cheek, even after they pulled away. They looked deeply into each other's eyes and Tina finally muttered, "I really like you too." with a smile on her face.


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Honestly not that proud of how this chapter came out lol (I think it's sort of shitty, but whatever)


Btw, jeg synes det var veldig gøy å se reaksjonen til flere av dere i kommentarfeltet etter at dere fant ut at jeg er norsk:)

As always, please vote if you enjoyed this chapter, and have a nice day!<3

As always, please vote if you enjoyed this chapter, and have a nice day!<3

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ᴀʜ ʏᴇs, ᴍʏ ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ sᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ: ʙʀɪᴛɪsʜ

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