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Rome Italy

Nikolai -

After the little session with my rose I leave the room to see my sons sitting outside on the balcony.

Getting close to them I can see ear plugs in their ears. I can not help but laugh at their actions, just wait until they get married.

Tapping their shoulders getting their attention.

" You two get ready. We need to make our way back down to the lobby".

" Yes father" both said

I got back to my room pulling out one of my suits. It will not take me long to get ready. Once I was done I went to wake up Rose.

I kiss her forehead, nose to her lips to wake her up. Her eyes open slowly.

" I need you to get ready love. We will be going down to the lobby".

" Okay".

I watch my love walk to the bathroom naked, I get hard instantly. I must leave the room to control myself. I wait in the living room of the room waiting for my love.

Rose came out of the room ready to go. I take her hand in my mine and we leave the room the same way we came to the room, stairs. I do not want to take any chances when it comes to the ones I love.

We got the lobby of the hotel and I see everyone, all of the heads of the families. Taking a deep breath I push forward and my family follows me.

We were announced of our presence when we enter the next room inside of the hotel, the only room that is large enough to hold so many. I eye the whole room to see if there is any threat. But I could not finish because I was called. That all of the men, the heads of the families must start the meeting. I kiss my love on the cheek and hands before leaving her in the room. Alexander and Roman follow me, it will be good for them to see how things go in this world.

Before leaving the room I give a nod to one of my men to keep Rose safe in the mean time until I get back.


Rose -

I see Nikolai and our boys leave with him for this meeting. I wish I was in there. It would be better for me to be with Nikolai than to be in a room full of Mafia wives and their mistresses.

Yep. The other heads brought their wives and their whores that scratch for power. They are all petty women.

However I walk around picking up a class of red wine keeping to myself. I wonder how my other babies are doing back at home?

Everything was as peaceful as it can be in a room full of pathetic women that has to talk very loud. Looking around I see a few women talking in a group, well it looks like some of the women are trying to start a fight with one of them. I keep watching them see where this is going. I could see that their conversation was about to get out of hand so I get up from my table.

When I got closer to group I could see who the women were. As always Nina has to cause trouble.

When her and her group of friends saw me they paled.

" Rose. Surprise to see you here." Nina said

I could see that she was nervous around me but she masked it and she put her foot in her mouth.

" You really should not have come here with that scar on your face. You should be ashamed, you need to think about everyone when they see your face they can get sick when they look at you." Nina said proudly

" Hmm. You must be very stupid then I thought. Almost everywhere you go you have to cause trouble, what gives you the right to talk the way you do. And to mafia wives, people above your station. Because listen here you whore, you step out of line one more time I will tell the truth to the boss of Austria the one that you are screwing. That you are also screwing 5 of his men at the same time. When I tell him the truth I know for a fact that he will kill you without hesitation. He will find another whore than you, because you are replaceable. You talk, I will talk."

Nina and her friends leave with saying anything. I turn around to see two women standing with huge smiles on their faces.

" That was amazing" one of the women said.

" yes."

" I am Sasha." The woman said

Hearing her accent she is from Poland.

And her friend spoke as well as she is also from Poland.

" I am Leah".

" She is married to Lorenzo, the head to the Sicily."

Oh so this is the one that got shot recently. I shake her hand.

" Rose, Rose Marino before I got married but I am Rose Ivanov."

" Nice to meet you".

" Like wise Leah".

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