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Nikolai -

I have been in this room for hours about how the Spanish feels against  Sicily. The Don Lorenzo been working in his means of business.

It is really petty how this man is acting. One of my men came to tell me that my rose is speaking with the wife of Lorenzo. Nodding my head back at man saying it was okay that she talk. After the little break of our we went back to work on discussing what needs to be done and to put the Spanish mafia in their place for a while.


Rose -

Don't let these women get to Leah. All they want is to claim dick, they think if they do it that way they will have power. They are not that smart.

What about you? How are things with your husband?

" Could be better. Like he has no time for me. But he has his men following me everywhere I go. He does not let me work. He is controlling me in everything I do."

Leah. The things that he does that you do not like is because he wants to keep you safe. Being a wife to a normal man would be easy but you are not married to a normal man. He is the boss of Sicily and that makes you his wife if you like it or not. In this world it is very easy to take out the wives of the bosses. You have to give him the benefit of the doubt. All he wants is for you to be happy and safe.

" Was it like that with your husband?"

More or less.

" Due tell. We have time. And I would like to know how you are with your husband and how you got that scar on your face."

" Were you attacked like me?"

The scar on my face came from my husband.

" what?"

" Why would he do that to you?"

It is a long story. I am sure that you were taken by your husband?

" I was".

I was sold to mine by my father for 5,000 dollars. Here in Italy. I was born and raise in Naples until that day when he took me from my home. My mother and father did nothing to help no matter how hard I cried. They took the money that my husband left for them.

After that it was a fight to get to the plane that he had, going to Russia. He forced me to marry him at gunpoint. And while things turned bad between us one day in Russia we were having an argument and he snapped he hurt me beyond anything that I could think of. I had some much pain in my heart I did not want to live any more, so I took it in my hands trying to end all of the pain. I was later found by my husband waking up in the bed hearing machines beeping and that my wrists were bandaged up from what I did.

After a while I did not talk nor did anything I was broken, and he did break me.

But later I was told that I was pregnant. I was pregnant by my husband's actions that day. When that news came over there was a change in my husband. He started to control his anger and he became more soft with me. He vowed to me that he will change just for me. And that I should not punish the child for his actions.

Before my due date me and my husband worked on each other. Understanding one another, fixing Bridges between us. It took a while but I came around. When our son was about 1 years old I told my husband that I forgive him for everything that he has done to me. As a result of my forgiveness we were able to move forward and have more children.

Everyday that goes by I am very lucky to see his face. So that is how I have my scar on my face.

" You are an interesting woman" Leah said

I lightly laugh then I feel someone's hands on my shoulder turning around seeing that it is Nikolai.

" Very interesting woman indeed".

He kisses my forehead before looking at Leah.

" Mrs. Lombardi" Nikolai nodded at her.

Leah did the same but she did not speak. She was not sure what to say to man like Nikolai.

" Meetings are done for the day. Let's go."

Rose and Nikolai went back to their rooms.


Nikolai -

When I left the meeting and went to get Rose. I came to a stop when I heard her talk about how we first met. And I will not lie it broke my heart. Not a day goes by that I don't fell regret in my bones on what I did to my love.

I can still remember how much she cried when her parents sold her like nothing. And the days that followed after. Specially Alexander. I made sure when he was old enough I told me the truth on how me and his mother met along with how he came into this world. Let's say he hated me for a while but he got over it because he knew that I have not hurt her in anyway that I show love to her everyday. Also I think that Rose spoke to him.

I remember when he came into my office saying " It is good to know the truth and I thank you treating mom the way you do. And if mom forgives you so do I. "

Me and my son Alexander moved on from that and I believe that it brought us closer. I did the same to all of my sons when they were older.

But I put the bad memories in the back of my head and go to my wife.

" How long do you think this gathering of sort will take?" Rose said

" I have no idea my love. Are you missing home?"

" Yes. Very much so. And the other worry, Anastasia".

" Ha, she will be fine. She can not get into trouble while Matthias is in charge.

" She always finds a way" Rose said raising her eyebrows.

" She gets that from you my dear" .

Before rose can say anything else I kiss her and we move into our room. I lock the door wanting alone time with my wife. It as been a long day.

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