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All of the children have their own lives now. It is just Nikolai and Rose at home everyday. They made the most of it, enjoying the retirement.

Things were going well until Rose became ill both thought it was the flew but it got worse. So Nikolai called the doctor to the house but the doctor could not figure out what the issue was so the doctor made an appointment for Rose.

Nikolai took Rose to the doctor where tests were done. Telling both of them that Rose has cancer. Cancer in one part of her breast and underarm. Nikolai did not want to hear that.

The doctor shown them the options that they can do. That Rose will need chemo. It was a shock to say the least both went home letting it sink in. After a few days they came back to the hospital to set Rose up with the chemo. Nikolai never left her side.

Later that day before leaving the hospital Rose went to the bathroom Nikolai followed her. What she said broke his heart a little.

" Nik, can you shave my hair?"

" Yeah. I can".

In the hospital bathroom Nikolai shaved Rose's hair, Rose was ready to go home but when Nikolai finished shaving Rose's hair he started shaving his own hair, that made Rose cry.

Once he was finished saw his wife crying her eyes out. He hugged her from behind.

" We do this together. I am not losing you. Not for one moment. I can't lose you".

Nikolai kisses her neck. As they both cried. They leave the hospital together heading back home. They did not tell their children on what was happening. But soon the kids found out themselves. Alexander and Roman flew to the hospital when they were told about their mother.

After them two the others followed.

Months of chemo for Rose was not working as it should. And Rose was slipping. She develop an infection in her system that made her throw up blood, the doctors said she has sepsis and that her chances were less than 1 %. The doctors there knew that she was not going to make it.

When they told Nikolai that. His ears went numb, his whole body went numb. He entered his wife's room. And he sees her on the bed after the surgery hooked up to so many machines.

He took Rose's hand into his.

" Please don't take her away from me. From the kids. She is the strength of the family not me. Why her? This should be happening to me. Please, please don't leave me Rose. You are my everything, you made me better. If I lose you I die as well. You are a fighter Rose, please baby don't leave me. Why her? She did nothing to deserves this, she is my redemption. She is everything I want and need. Please my love come back to me".

Nikolai kisses rose's forehead and stays in the room waiting for a miracle to happen. But Nikolai had to wait 24 hours to see if there will be a change.

In mid sleep Nikolai was awoken up by someone touching his hair. Rubbing his eyes focusing them he sees his love staring back at him. His eyes go wide and he pulls Rose in a tight hug, kissing her face all over.

The doctor came in saying that Rose passed the hours, that she was half way there. That she needs to stay in the hospital for a few more days to do more tests.

The hospital did more tests and they have concluded the cancer has shuck in size, Rose was hoping that the cancer would be gone but the doctor discuss everything that Nikolai and Rose needed to do. That the next check up will be in the next 3 months to see where they stand. Nikolai was just happy to have his wife in his arms alive and that she will get better.


Brielle -

Do you have everything?

" yes love. I do. Get in the car, we will be late". Aiden said

I get in the passenger seat and we take off to the airport. This time of year myself and my family are going home for Christmas. Hearing that mom is doing better is such a relief. It scared the hell out of me when I was told about mom's health.

Aiden kept me updated on my mother since I could not be with her. But now I am coming home, dad and mother can finally their grandchild.

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