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Brielle -

School was now done and I was walking home. As I was walking out of the school I heard someone call my name, more like yelling it.

" Miss Ivanov, we must get home. Your father is requesting that you and your sister get home immediately after school".

" Okay".

I hop up in the back of the car waiting for my sister. The car takes us back home in no time.

Once we get inside I see Alexander, I race to him giving him a huge hug.

" I missed you brother"

" Same."

" Girls, I need both of you to listen to me. We are going to have some guests coming over tonight. So I need both of you to be on your best behavior. And go to your rooms and get cleaned put, wear nice dresses for tonight."

I nodded my head towards mom. I went up to my room during what my mother said.

Coming out from my room I could see my family but some others were there as well. Phoebe was finally done and she came to stand next to me.

" Who do you think they are?" Phoebe said

" No idea. Maybe they work with dad".

Phoebe nodded her head. Then we heard mom coming up the stairs to come and get us. We play it cool, we come down the stairs.

" This is Phoebe and this Brielle" mom said

I could feel that something was off, it was in the air but I said nothing.

We move to the table for dinner. There was light conversation between us but not me. I really don't like being the certain of attention. As I ate I would causally look around the table, I came to a stop when one of the men at the table, father's guest was staring at me.

Why is he staring at me? Do I have something on my face?

After dinner I helped mom with the dishes as the others went to the living room.

Once me, mom and Phoebe were done with the dishes we made our way back to the living room.

Once we arrived I heard one of the men speaking.

" I agree with your offer Nikolai Ivanov. I will come back in the morning for your daughter."

And the other man said the same thing to dad. What is going on here. We watched the men leave and count on my sister to blow her top.

Phoebe was demanding what was going on with the weird vibes. Our parents directed us to sit down.

" Girls. Both of you must listen to me. This had to be done, there was no way around it. Phoebe, you are set to marry the boss of the new york branch of the mafia. Brielle, you will be marrying the boss of the Irish mafia."

I was stunned by what father said. I look at mom and I see that she was torn apart by this. And the same for dad, he looks like he has not been sleeping.

" This is a joke right?" Phoebe said

" No it is not" Dad said

" I'm 17! I have a life, I am not going to threw it alway because you made some sort of deal to decide my future!"

" Enough! I am the head of this family! You are and will marry the head of the new york where you like it or not."

Dad carried on with phoebe, and phoebe ran away crying her eyes out. I other hand went up to dad and mom.

" Brielle, that goes the same for you---"

" No dad, I wanted to tell you that I understand. Well some what. I can see the worry in your eyes about this. I want you to know that I am not mad with you or you mom. If you are beating yourself up about this then stop because I forgive you. I know being the daughter of a mob boss is not always so simple. Deep down I kind of knew this would happen. Anastasia found her path and what not. But in all I understand and I am not mad."

Dad sighed and he wrapped his arms around me. And soon I felt my mother hugging me.

" How are you so reasonable?" Dad asked

" I have no idea"

" I love you kid, you know that"

" Yes dad, I know."

" He, will be coming here tomorrow?"

" yes. He will be taking you to Ireland. You will get married there."

" will you be there?"

" of course. Who is going to walk you down the aisle".

" Honey go upstairs and start to pack okay. I will there in a minute" mom said

I went off to my slowly packing my clothes.

Mom came up to help and to check on me but I was worried about dad. Mom told me when Scarlett comes of age she will marry the bosses son of Italy.

I went to bed for the night going to wake up to a new day. That will be full of surprises.

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