Part 8

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i am absolutely horrible. that's the only explanation. i deserve to have not just tomatoes but coconuts with mushrooms growing on them ( cuz i don't like mushrooms) thrown at me. i'm so so sorry for such a long wait but i have a chapter for you now and in sha Allah i'll try to update as regularly as i can. the new cover was by @Smsalisu and she is a darling for it.

"hey" yelled an annoyed Aaliyah as her laptop was slammed shut.

Sitting opposite her and grinning widely, was the culprit.

"I feel like you both have been talking non-stop for the past 2 weeks and ignoring me. It's grossing me out."

"shut up Zara. You didn't have to be so violent about it."

"sweetheart, violent would have been me pouring a bucket of ice cold water over you and your laptop. Appreciate the kindness I just showed you" said Zara grinning widely again. One thing she had learnt is how easily riled up Aaliyah could get by having her conversation with suhail interrupted

"Did you want something or are you just here to spread your evil"

"I was going to tell you that I'm done making dinner and if you would like to grace me with your presence, you can come"

Glaring at her, she replied, "give me a minute"

"Okay" said Zara as she happily jumped off the bed and went out to serve the food.

A few minutes later, Aaliyah turned up and took a seat opposite Zara. "You seem awfully happy today." She observed

"what can I say. It's a good life" she replied smiling like she just won the lottery.

"hmmph" was her only reply as she dug in.

Two minutes later, she couldn't take the looks and the gleeful attitude of Zara anymore and she said, "just say it already. You're really creeping me out with your mood today.

Laughing loudly, she said, "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so happy. It's been like this since I woke up. And no I'm not on any drugs."

"I'll try to believe you", she said smiling. "but it know there is still something you want to say so just say it.

"Okay. I was just wondering how things are going with you and suhail is all. I mean you two are always talking and you clearly really like each other, so I'm just wondering when things are going to advance." now she had dropped her fork and forgotten about the meal.

"Advance. I see. And by that I'm guessing you mean the marriage stage."

"well duh. You guys are not strangers anymore so you know you're compatible as friends but you also have to know if you'll be compatible as partners. And for that you know he has to have your parent's permission first. But if you're not interested in being with each other you need to stop stringing yourselves along. You'll just hurt yourself in the end."

"I know Zara. But I can't just bring something like that up. I know we talk a lot but we haven't done the whole feeling talk thing and it's just going to be so awkward. And am I really ready to be married right now. I mean yeah we're in our final year but I had other plans after graduation and how do I know that he'll support those plans"

"so what? You're just going to keep talking to the guy and keeping the whole friends charade up till you're done with all your after university plans. And as for you knowing whether he'll support those plans, that's the whole point of the talk you're going to have. Find out each other's plans for the future and see if you're going to accept it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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