Kate Bishop

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It's been about two years since Nat and Yelena left on their mission. (It's 2018) Wanda and Dani's workshops have been going great they managed to save a bunch of money too. Dani and Wanda have also made friends with some of the women that have come to their classes. Especially a particular woman named Kate Bishop who had later told them the only reason she had started attending was in the hopes of meeting Clint Barton. Wanda and Dani chuckled to themselves before telling her that he hasn't been around much lately since he said he's retired for like the 5th time in his life. They did tell her that since Christmas was right around the corner he'd be in New York with his family for the annual Stark Christmas party. Kate's eyes lit up when they told her that and she began jumping up and down like a small child. The three of them are all hanging out in the garage drinking beer after the class ended. (I've decided to change Kate's age to 22 while Dani and Yelena are now 24 and Wanda and Nat are 26)

"Wow, you're that much of a fan of Barton's aren't you? He's basically the grumpy dad of the group but he's pretty cool once he lets his guard down." Dani laughs while she tinkers with her Chevy truck.

"Well yeah, during the Battle of New York I saw what he could do with just a stick and sting taking out the Chitauri like it was nothing. And I've been a fan ever since! I'm also like the world's greatest archer too." Kate smiles.

"I gotcha, I remember hearing about that on the news. I was a senior in high school when that happened. Is that so? We'll have to hold a contest between the two of you then. Hey can you hand me a flathead screwdriver please?" Dani asks while taking a swig of her beer.

"I got it." Wanda says using her powers floating the screwdriver over to Dani.

"Whoa! T-That's amazing!" Kate gasps.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you Wanda has some really cool powers. She can read your mind too!" Dani laughs as she grabs the floating screwdriver to adjust the floats on her carburetor.

"OH! Hey Wanda what am I thinking?" Kate asks enthusiastically. 

"You know, Dani asked the same thing when I told her. But do you really want me to say what you're thinking out loud? You might get embarrassed." Wanda smirks.

"What's she thinking Wands. Tell me! This is gonna be great!" Dani laughs setting the screwdriver down and messing with one of the vacuum hoses on the carburetor.

"Ugh.. I.. I don't know what you're talking about. Why would I be embarrassed thinking about the dog I found. I named him Lucky." Kate tries to play it off as her eyes widen while she starts to blush.

"Yeah, that's kind of something silly to be embarrassed about that's a common name for a dog. You should bring him over one of these days so he can play with Diesel and Chevy. They'd love to have another playmate." Dani says now messing with the choke on the carb.

Wanda glances over at Kate who's shaking her head, "My bad I must've been picking up on someone else's thoughts." 

The three of them hang out for a few more hours while they all continued to get tipsy from the beers they were drinking.

"Hey Kate it's getting late and you probably shouldn't drive home. Why don't you spend the night?" Dani says throwing another empty bottle in the trash.

"That's cool with me, it's a long drive back into the city. But I don't have any pjs though." Kate says.

"That's fine, you can borrow something of mine or I'm sure Wanda wouldn't mind either." Dani says while they all begin walking upstairs.

They all go into Dani's room while she rummages through her dresser for some comfy clothes. 

Kate walks around looking at all the post cards hanging up on the wall, "Wow, that's a lot of post cards. Who's Lena? If you don't mind me asking?" 

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