O.W.N Medic x Filipino!Male!Reader

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Been obsessed with CoP lately an just decided to make an x Reader with a Male one cause I don't want to make the Male Readers upset

Btw that's what you look like 👆

Anyways let's gooo


You laughed as you witness a Scout from the other team trip on his lost ball, and you quickly take out your crossbow and shot him in the head.

While you were battling the (RED/BLU)s, A Medic that was wearing black for some reason had randomly appeared, making all of you pause the battle.

A few of the REDs (Or your teammates (bc you can choose which side you want) laughed at the open target, and even started pointing their weapons at him confidently.

You look at your teammates and ushered them to point their weapons away (or to not follow the RED if you chose to be a BLU), but no one followed (If BLU, they followed RED instead).

You fearfully pursed your lips, before slowly starting to back away.

None of your teammates or the other team noticed, all of their eyes fixated on the Medic, even your other counterpart for the other team backed away.

Only one person noticed, and it was the Medic in black.

He stared towards you and your counterpart, before he grinned maliciously.

Then, alot of men came out, all of them wearing black, making you and your counterpart's escape attempt stop.

Most of them taunted, and the REDs and BLUs only stared in suprise, knowing they were all overwhelmed and outnumbered.

They continued to taunt, until the Medic signaled them to attack.

They all let out a battle cry, accompanied with a sadistic grin as they started slaughtering both teams.

You and your counterpart started running, and so did a few of both of your teammates.

They all hid, but you and your counterpart decided to go to the same place to hide.

"Ang puta.. Ano yun?!" You said, your eyes still wide. You didn't realize you were speaking in your native language.

"Di ko alam! Sino yun? I-I never saw him in battle!" Your counterpart replied, panting as well as he hugged your arm.

While in battle, your team was winning, so you protectively covered your counterpart.

A Black gloved hand was then offered to you, and you look at the owner to realize it was the Medic from earlier. He slightly nodded, in a 'shake my hand or die.' way.

You stood your ground and protected your counterpart, who gladly shrunk back.

The Medic waited with slight impatience for you and your counterpart to accept, and after a while, you both accepted with slightly evil grins.

You craddled your counterpart as you followed the Medic, with your CP (Counterpart) following closely behind.


You nudged your counterpart, who looked at you with confused eyes.

"How long have we been waiting here?" You said with impatience trailing in your voice.

He turned to his wrist, and checked his watch, then turned his head towards you.

"2 and a Half hours." He said, then faced ahead.

‡ 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝟐 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 (#𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now