Part 9

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Phillip and Yuu walk into the town between the rival schools and search for a restaurant to dine. They pass by restaurants similar to ones from Yuu's world and restaurants unique to Twisted Wonderland. Eventually, a restaurant named Lulu's Pizzeria catches their eye, and they walk inside.

"Welcome to Lulu's Pizzeria! Would you like to sit inside or outside today?" A black lady with a New Orleans accent and long black curly hair exclaims, grabbing two menus.

"I think we'll sit inside today," Phillip answers, not risking NRC seeing them outside.

"Follow me! I'm Tatiana, your server for tonight," Tatiana says, guiding Yuu and Phillip to a booth near the window.

Yuu and Phillip flip through the menu and decide to order a large cheese pizza for their main meal.

"Have you lovebirds decided what you want to drink, or do we need another minute?" Tatiana asks, pulling out a notepad and pen.

"I will have a glass of red wine, and Yuu, what are you having?" Phillip asks, looking directly at Yuu.

If I'm able to drink here, I might as well try something. But a drink that's hard on alcohol. Maybe I can try the strawberry lemonade margarita?'

"I'll have the Strawberry lemonade margarita. We also decided on a large pizza for our meal," Yuu responds, closing her menu and handing it back to Tatiana.

"Your order will be right up!" Tatiana replies enthusiastically.

"So, Phillip, what's it like at your home? I barely know anything about you," Yuu asks, hoping to get information about Phillip.

"Oh, I'm Rosé's brother. My parents named me after my cousin's husband. I'm pretty sure I got blessed by the fairy godmothers at some point," Phillip answers, taking a sip of his wine. "Then there's our long-lost brother. He didn't get named yet, but he had silverish-blue eyes and silver hair. My mom left my brother in her childhood cottage for Godmother Flora. But, someone else walked in and took him away. We haven't heard from him since. But, people have seen a boy like that around Briar Valley, so we have hope that he's still alive. The fairy godmothers also blessed him with the gift of every animal liking him."

Wait, what the fuck?! Silver is Phillip's brother! Oh my god! A war could start between Briar Valley and Phillip's kingdom! And that old fossil Lilia kidnapped someone else's child will be the cause of it all!

"Mhm, so, uh...I have to go to the bathroom," Yuu stutters, internally panicking about the possibilities of Silver's future.

Yuu runs into the bathroom and shuts the stall door. She wraps a lot of tissue in her hand and uses it as a gag in her mouth.

"AAAAHHHH!" Yuu screams, the tissue paper muffling her scream.

Yuu washes her hands and walks out of the bathroom and back to Phillip. The food is already on the table, and there's a plate with three slices of pizza on Yuu's side.

"I already served you up a couple of slices of pizza. What's it like back in your world?" Phillip asks, giving Yuu her margarita.

"My's a beautiful mess. That's all I'll say about my world, for it is too complicated to explain all the ills from my world," Yuu answers, getting sad about the evil in this world.

I can't believe I'm thinking this, but the evil people in this world are nothing compared to the evils people have done back home.

"If we get married, does that mean I become a princess or a noble?" Yuu asks, taking a sip of her margarita.

"Technically, but you'd also be a future queen as well. Due to the large size of Cousin Aurora's kingdom, her parents split it up between her father and her uncle. The uncle is my dad, so we control the part of the kingdom near the enchanted forest. It's an agriculture producer for us, and the area is rich in nature-based holidays and traditions," Phillip explains, finishing a slice of pizza. "Interestingly enough, we have our different ways of coronations. Aurora's part of the kingdom has its coronation in late January, around the 29th. My family's part of the kingdom has our coronation on May 1st, as it got combined with the holiday of Beltane. Since our part of the kingdom is near the enchanted forest, witches, nymphs, and herbalists lived there. We did our best to get along with them, and eventually, holidays and events got combined. We still celebrate whether or not someone is getting coronated, but we use it as an excuse to hang out around the bonfire, make flower crowns, and honor our agricultural roots."

Beltane. That's a holiday from my world. Somehow our worlds were connected but got cleaved apart at some point.

"That's so cool. You'll have to take me to your kingdom someday," Yuu replies, getting excited at the thought of anything from home.

Yuu and Phillip finish eating, and Phillip pays the bill. They stroll around the town and come upon a store for everything involved with sleep.

"We do have to get pajamas and pillows," Phillip says, smiling at the store's name of Sleeping Beauty. "Let's go inside. I have a family discount."

Yuu and Phillip pick out pajamas, pillows, sleeping bags, and sleeping masks. They pay and walk out the door to find a place to eat dessert.

"Ooh! How about this place?" Yuu asks, pointing to an ice cream shop with vines growing on the sides and walls.

"That seems like a nice place, princess!" Phillip replies, leading her inside.

Phillip and Yuu get chocolate ice cream, and they walk back to their spot on the beach.

"Hey, Phillip, why are we going back to the beach? We could stay at the cottage?" Yuu questions, wondering why they're going back to the beach where she'll get wet and cold.

"I suppose that is a good idea. Plus, we would have a warm place to sleep and shower," Phillip answers, changing direction in his path. "Into the woods!"

Phillip and Yuu skip into the woods and enter Snow White's cottage. Yuu enters the shower and does her nightly routine.

"Yuu, do you mind if I shower with you? My hair really needs to be washed, and it's starting to get unbearably itchy. Plus, my body is covered in sand from the beach," Phillip asks, sand hitting the floor as he steps close to the bathroom door.

"Sure. Besides, I need help washing my hair, anyway," Yuu answers, opening the shower door and releasing steam.

Phillip strips naked and steps into the shower with Yuu. He opens the shampoo, getting a whiff of the flower scent. Phillip squirts a bit onto Yuu's hair and begins to scrub her scalp. Yuu notices Phillip's six-pack, and she blushes while looking away.

"You might as well get used to seeing my friends below. We both know we're too in love with each other to not be in the other's presence. Naked or not," Phillip teases, making Yuu's head jolted up.

"Phillip! I was looking at your abs!" Yuu exclaims, her soapy hair standing on their ends.

"Yeah, yeah, princess. It's ok to admit you like every inch of my body," Phillip teases once more, doing a model pose.

"Shut up!" Yuu shrieks, putting her soapy head on Phillip's chest. "Let me finish your hair, and we can get into bed and watch the local news to see what's happening at school."

"Ok, maybe we can have a nice breakfast in the morning, too," Yuu replies, wiping the soap out of her face.

Phillip finishes washing Yuu's hair and his own, and they walk out and change into their respective pajamas. Yuu pushes four beds together and pulls out the blanket from the Sleeping Beauty store. Yuu and Phillip get into bed, and Phillip spoons Yuu.

"I brought my phone with me. Luckily, I can access the local tv channels through my phone," Yuu says, putting the phone onto Channel 2 news.

Phillip sits up to watch the news and puts his chin on Yuu's shoulder.

"Give us back, Yuu!" Crowley screams, throwing a fireball at Ambrose, who quickly deflects it with a ball of water.

"Yuu isn't here!" Ambrose screams, throwing his hand to the side, making a beanstalk shoot up and smack Crowley into the air.

"We should probably stop them," Phillip says, looking at his brother Rosé, smacking Lilia with a shovel.

"We'll do it in the morning," Yuu replies, closing her eyes.

"Ok," Phillip responds, kissing her head, then doing the unexpected and leaving a hickey on the left side of Yuu's neck.

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