Here's a little bit about myself. 1

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"What're you doing here? I missed you!" I exclaimed, flinging my willing arms around the boy I never thought I'd see again. Mixed emotions are running through my bloodstream, including hatred and excitement. I'm still hugging him though, my body's been longing for it.

"I came back for you. I couldn't focus on my career, I missed you too much. I love you, El. So much," he grinned, leaning in to finally connect my lips with his soft ones. I've been longing for this moment, ever since I met him.

"Miss," someone prodded my arm, quite roughly if I may add. My eyes snapped open, feeling the stranger get nearer to me. I looked over to him, both of us looking like we'd just seen a ghost. "Sorry, who are you?" I furrowed my eyebrows, pissed off that someone just interrupted my dream of the dickhead I see on magazine covers. It's not the poor man's fault, though. I looked around the empty carriage. "what?" I whispered to myself. The train must be at the end of the line; which means I've missed my stop!

"Sorry to wake you, Miss. Uh, I just didn't want to leave you." The middle aged man apologised. I smiled at him, thankfully. "That was kind of you. Just quickly, where exactly are we?" I asked, putting my bag on my shoulder. "Bradford, Miss. I'm very sorry, but I have to get off. Boss will throttle me if I don't get to work. Have a nice day," he smiled, rushing off the train. Well great, I'm left standing here all alone on a train carriage, with no idea how to get to London!

Chloe; where are you? I've been stood in Burger King for the last four hours! They're going to kick me out soon if I don't buy anything; which I don't. Don't tell me you've forgotten? I only just texted you this morning!

I sighed. Chloe is my Best Friend; confident, absolutely gorgeous, and enjoys being a slut once in a while.

Me; I'm sorry, I'll explain later.

I've been in Cheshire for the weekend, visiting my family. I had to get the train back to London, and I was suppose to meet Chloe at Westfield's, but obviously I fell asleep and ended up in Bradford. I'm from Holmes Chapel, and I'm 20 years old. Relationship status is single, as always. I think I've just given up with relationships, what's the point in putting the effort in if your partner could care less?

Harry Styles; my childhood crush and Best Friend. But, unfortunately, he has no idea who I am anymore. Is that even humanly possible? To grow up with someone practically attached to your hip, and then forget all about them, like they've just disappeared?

I stepped off the train, rushing to find a sign that tells me when the next train to London is. I sighed in relief once I found one, but I soon sighed of disappointment and annoyance. The next train to London is in four days, four days! A lot of people work in London, and have to travel there on a day to day basis, why is the next train in four days?

I groaned, and left the train station. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I had to stop smack bang in the middle of a busy street to get it out. Cons of wearing skinny jeans.

"Hello?" I spoke, as I started walking again. "What's happened? Where are you?" Chloe exclaimed, as I heard what I presumed to be a car door slam shut. "What would you like first, the bad news.. Or the bad news."

"I guess in this case it would have to be the bad news."

"I'm in Bradford. I fell asleep on the train,"

"El, how the hell can you sleep so much?" She chuckled, "when's the next train?"

I shuffled amongst the crowd, bundling myself into the nearest SuperDrug. "Four days,"

"You what?" She shrieked. I pulled the phone away from my ear, and placed it back again once she said stopped freaking out. "Chloe, calm." I chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but tomorrow we have to go to work. You know how strict Simon gets when we're late," she sighed. "I know, but I'm not sure what to do. Can you imagine how much money it would cost me to get a taxi back? Perrie's on tour, so she can't give me a ride, and you've got to go home tonight to finish that new poster for the studio." I explained, picking up a bottle of water and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.

"Just, don't worry. I'll come and pick you up, okay? It's only three hours away,"

"Megan, no. It's three hours there and back, that equals six hours. Simon wants that poster by tomorrow. Just, don't worry. Thanks, but I'll just have to get a taxi or something."

"Are you sure? Just make sure you stay safe, it's already six o'clock, and getting dark. Text me when you're on your way home. Love you, g."

I chuckled, "Bye Mum,"


I'm now walking down a dark street, it's raining, and I'm soaking wet. How can so many bad things happen to one person in one single day?

Seeing as though all I've eaten today is a bacon roll and a packet of crisps, I'm pretty hungry. I decided on eating in McDonalds, because why not? It may be unhealthy, but it's hella good. Once I ordered my food, a six chicken nugget meal, I sat in a booth and poked my straw into my medium coke. There was three teenage girls sat in the booth behind me, and they all had One Direction tops on, I think. Well, I saw the unnamed curly haired boy on each of them, so yeah they probably did. I began dipping my nugget into my beloved barbecue sauce, when I heard them talking about him. I choked on my nugget, spluttering all over the table. Good one, Ella.

The girls turned around and gave me a funny look, but I just smiled; "sorry, did I disturb your conversation? Must be more careful next time." They rolled their eyes, and I turned back to my food, laughing to myself.

"Anyway, did you hear that all of the boys are here for Zayn's sister's birthday? How sweet! We need to find out where they are," I heard one of them squeak. I recall Perrie mentioning that Waliyha's birthday was coming up. "Zayn's flat is only round the corner, I bet we'd meet him if we camped out there." I heard another one say.

Well great, I've tried for the past three years to stay out of at least the same country as him, let alone the same city!

What if I bump into him? Will he remember me?

Probably not, but here's to a never ending life of torture.


Thank you for reading! X

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