Arguments & alcohol / 4

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*Ella's Pov*

I had a quick tidy around the house, and I have to say, It looks good. "Hey, do you think I can stay for a few more weeks?" Louis asked, as I walked into the kitchen. He sat there eating cereal, fresh from a shower, and he looked really attractive. My breath caught in my throat as I saw him, why am I becoming more and more attracted to him?

"Yeah, of course. Here, I have a spare key." I grabbed the spare key from the key hanger, and handed it to him. "Thank you." He smiled.

"I'm going to run some errands today while Harry is round, but I won't be back late." He ate a spoonful of Cheerios. "That's fine. Is it okay if you come back when he is still here? I want you with me. You don't have to if you don't want to," I asked, unloading the dishwasher and putting the clean plates and cutlery in the cupboards. "If you want me to, I will." He looked at me, making me blush deeply. "Shut up," I mumbled, scattering into the living room before I pull him into the bedroom. Cutie. I heard him laugh, and butterfly's erupted in my stomach. I flopped onto the couch on my back, and looked at the ceiling, sighing happily. Before I had a chance to even process the thought of Harry coming round, the doorbell rings. "Hell no!" I exclaim. He's early! Way too early! It's only 10 o'clock!

"Louis!" I whisper shout, catching him off guard. "I think Harry's here!"

"Go and answer the door, I'll go into my bedroom." He said, as I nodded, running to the door. I look into the mirror quickly, and waved off my appearance. He's seen me with bed hair, he won't care. I swing the door open to find Simon. Well done, Ella. He's not even here!

"I understand why you went home yesterday," he tells me, as I let him in. "I'm sorry about that, but I had to leave."

"It's okay, next time it'll cost you your job though." He half chuckled. I nodded, taking him into the kitchen. "Would you like a drink?" I asked, as he shook his head. "I'm only passing by, I won't be long. Is Louis here?"

"Lou!" I call, as he walks out with his top off. Brilliant. Right timing, Louis. As I feel my knees getting weak and my face getting hotter, Louis smirks at me, and I turn around and bite my lip. He's doing this on purpose. "Oh, Hey Uncle Si." Louis says, as I get myself a glass of water, and I hear Louis chuckle. "I'm here to speak to you about the incident in Bradford." Simon said sternly, taking a seat on one of the kitchen stools by the island counter. "What happened in Bradford?" I butted in. "Mr Tomlinson here was spotted by the paparazzi kissing his ex girlfriend, Eleanor Calder."

Louis looked at his feet, and my heart dropped. "How long ago was this?"

"Saturday. He's been staying here since Sunday, right?" Simon clarified, as I nodded, absolutely fuming. "I've got to carry on tiding up. You're welcome to stay for a little while Simon, but I have Harry coming round at two, so if you could leave before then that would be great." I slightly smiled, ice in my tone. As I walked past them both, Louis grabbed my arm. I turned round and looked at him, a blank expression on my face. I snatched my wrist away from his grip, and left the room. One half of me is saying that I'm not angry at him because we haven't committed to anything, but the other half is angry because we told each we would commit, and he told me that he liked me since Harry and I were a couple. I'm angry that he lied.

I've already tidied the living room today, but I go over it again. There's so much clogging up my brain that I can't even process what I'm doing half the time. Harry is coming in less than an hour now, Simon has been here for longer than I expected him to be. I look in the mirror again by my front door, and I realise that I haven't even got ready myself yet. I sigh, today isn't my day and I just don't know if I can face Harry yet.

"See you tomorrow, Ella. Remember, next Friday is your last day until you can have six weeks off for the summer. You get your big summer pay check then too." I see Simon out, and then practically sprint back to my bedroom, hoping not to bump into Louis. Megan isn't here because she's out with our friend Emily for the day.

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