As the clock strikes midnight / 6

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I was woken up by the obnoxious noise of the front door slamming shut. Confused as to why I was asleep still in my clothes from today with my diary lying across my lap, I stood up, carefully placing my diary on my bedside table. "Louis?" I called, but no answer was returned. Now slightly scared, I grabbed Chloe's baseball bat that was for some reason in my room, and slowly creeped out of my room and into the kitchen, searching every room before finally stumbling across a passed out Louis who's seemed to have sprawled himself out onto the couch. I look at the clock on the wall and find that it's past midnight. Well, I thought it was later than that. I drop the bat and kneel down beside Louis, shaking him gently. "Lou," I say, now tapping his cheek, desperately trying to get him to wake up. He stirs a little bit, then slowly opens his eyes. His eyes flooded with red as he took a deep breath. He stinks of alcohol. "There's the most beautiful girl in the world," he slurs, stretching his arms out and yanking me into a tight hug. Me being very uncomfortable, I chuckle and pull away. "Come on silly, bed time." I smile at him, pulling him up by his arms, letting him dangle his arm over my shoulder as I help him stand up. Most of his weight is on me as I shuffle into the spare room and place him in the bed. I pull the covers from underneath him and place them over him. His eyes shut again, and his breathing steadied. I sighed as I watched the drunken boy fall into sleep. He's been through so much, I can tell this is going to be a very hard task to get everything back to the way it should be.

I walk back into my bed room and change out of my jeans and tee, and into my pyjamas. I yawn as I wash my face and brush my teeth, finally crawling into bed. I lean over and switch my lamp off, shutting my tired eyes and falling asleep.

I was once again rudely awakened by the sound of my phone ringing, who could be calling this early?!

I leant over and grabbed my phone from the bedside table and squinted as the brightness was blinding. Six missed calls from Simon? Shit! It's Wednesday which means I have work, and it's nowhere near as early as I thought; it's half passed ten! I jumped out of bed, bad idea as it made my head feel like I was going round a roundabout, and chucked some clothes on. Wasn't sure if they were from Monday but right now I just need to get to work. I very quickly tied my hair up in a high ponytail and cleaned my face, brushed my teeth, and put as much makeup on as the clock would let me. I slid into my black flats and grabbed everything I needed which included my phone, paper work, purse and keys. As I scurried out of my bedroom I remembered Louis was still asleep. I speedily wrote him a note explaining that I've gone to work, I'll be back soon, and to help himself to food. Wow, I really do sound like a mother. I rushed out of the front door, almost tripping on my way out, and basically leaped into the car. No time for the little things.

My phone was ringing once again, and I sighed as I took it out of my pocket and clicked 'answer'. "I'm on my way!" I explained, as I skilfully put my seat belt on while balancing my phone between my ear and shoulder. "Ella we have a meeting in ten minutes about the One Direction tour merchandise and Modest! Want you and Chloe to be there on accounts of your opinions. Don't ask. Where are you both?" Shit, Chloe! Where is she?

"I'm on my way now, literally round the corner," okay so I exaggerated a bit, but it won't hurt anyone will it? "And I don't know where Megan is. She didn't come home last night."

"Okay. Just, be here!" He demanded, as the line went dead. I placed my phone on the passenger seat and started to drive, trying to catch my breath. Ten minutes till I have a meeting with a very high class group of people, I have to be there on time!

I park in the 'employees only' car park, and run into the building. I signed in and, just my luck, have to take the stairs to the top floor because the lift isn't working. I check the clock on the wall and if I don't get passed five floors in two minutes then I'm dead meat. "I'm here!" I exclaim as I enter the boarding room, just as the clock strikes eleven o'clock a.m. I soon realise how unprofessional that was as I look at everyone's faces. They need to pick their jaws up off of the floor; have they not seen a girl that's been rushing the fuck out of their morning? I haven't even had breakfast!

I cough and awkwardly sit at my allocated seat. "No sign of Megan?" I whisper to Simon, as he embarrassingly shakes his head. I pour myself a glass of water and sip it slowly, as we wait for a very late Megan. "Shall I call her?" I ask. It's better than sitting here in silence. "That would be great," Melanie, the head of Modest!, replied. I smiled and nodded, reaching into my pocket to grab my phone, but as soon as I realise I've left it in the car I mentally face palm. "Simon, uh, could I please borrow your phone?" I awkwardly smile. Simon rolls his eyes and gets Megan's number up, putting it on loud speaker and placing it on the hard wood table. She answers after a few seconds of waiting, and Simon begins to speak; "Megan, where are you?"

"Where am I? Oh well I'm just, it's no big deal really, um.." I mentally face palm.. Again. "No big deal? Modest! And I are here waiting for you to arrive for a very important meeting, you call that no big deal? Get here in the next ten minutes or you're fired." He ends the call. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be nice. Is that the saying?


The meeting went well, apart from the fact that Megan stumbled in at her allocated time looking like she's had no sleep and has been dragged through a bush backwards. She claims to have had a heavy night drinking and found herself lying in a ditch this morning. Sounds like Megan.

I got home at around half four, completely shattered after having my arse chewed by Simon. He told me if I was any later I could of lost my job. I was going to butt in and say I wasn't even late, but it just wasn't the right time. Megan has been in the shower for at least forty five minutes, Louis and I would rather smash our heads together than listen to her singing for any longer. You think I'm being harsh? Listen to her sing.

"So listen, last night.." Louis started. "Louis, no. Don't say anything more about last night. You've been through a lot, but Harry is really trying. He's admitting himself info rehab, remember? He's trying. Now, I'm not going to tell you to give him a chance, but at least hear him out?" I begged. Louis hesitated before nodding. "I'll sort something out with him before he goes into rehab on Friday. I'll call him later,"

"Thank you," I smile, hugging him. He pulled away, and we were so close to kissing before... "Ella, have you stolen my hairdryer?" Megan huffs. "Why would I steal your hairdryer when I have my own?" I furrow my eyebrows. Louis starts laughing, and I smirk at him. I think I know what's happened. "What's so funny?" Megan snarls, and I laugh even more.  "It's in the spare bedroom," Louis tells her. She rolls her eyes and walks away, while Louis and I piss ourselves. I love how we find the smallest things hilarious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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