What can I do to help? / 3

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"Thanks," Louis smiled, as I handed him a mug of hot chocolate, with whipped cream. We arrived home in exactly three hours, like I said we would. I sat down next to him on the sofa, as he put his steaming hot chocolate onto the coffee table in front of him, me doing the same. There was a silence, but it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. Louis placed his chin on his knees, as they were pulled up to his chest. I crossed my legs and watched the coal in the fireplace slowly become dust. Louis' phone pinged, interrupting the silence. He sighed, before picking it up. "Harry's back at the hotel now. They found him walking down the street, singing loudly, drinking vodka straight from the bottle."

I frowned. How dare he put the boys through this? He needs to be stopped, but I just don't know how to stop him. "What can I do to help?"

Louis put his phone onto the coffee table, and looked at the fire. "I don't think there is anything you can do,"

I took a deep breath, "I can speak to him, see if that'll help?"

Louis looked taken aback for a second, before smiling. "You'd do that? For us and Harry?"

"I might of stopped loving Harry a while ago, but that doesn't mean I stopped caring for him. And I'd do anything for you, Lou. You know that," I smiled. I have to face him, and I have to sort things out. He's putting the boys through something that they shouldn't have to go through.

"I've got a day off on Tuesday. I'll go and see him then," I told Louis. "Thank you, love. You have no idea how much this means to me, or how much it'll mean to the lads." He hugged me tightly. "You're welcome, Lou."


Louis slept over last night, and Paul went back to his house as he only lives a couple miles away. It's now seven thirty in the morning, and I have work. When I got in last night, Chloe was already fast asleep, so I decided not to wake her. Once I'd had a shower and brushed my teeth, I got my more formal clothes on for work. I dried my hair and tied it into a ponytail, and added some makeup. Once I was finished, I shuffled into the kitchen, where Chloe sat eating her breakfast. "Oh, so she has awoken," I chuckled, grabbing a glass and pouring some orange juice into it. On the days I have work, I normally just eat a breakfast bar and drink a glass of orange juice, but on the days I don't have work.. Well, that's a different story. "What's going on with Lou?" Chloe asked, as I sat opposite her and bit into my breakfast bar. "This whole thing with Harry is eating away at him, he can't take it."

"He's still drinking?" She seemed shocked, but I think she saw it coming. "He hasn't stopped," I sighed. "I'm going to speak to Harry tomorrow. What do I say? Even though there is so much to talk about and so much to fix, I feel like no words will come out."

Before Chloe could answer, Louis came walking out. His hair sticking up in every place, his tired eyes watering as he stretched his arms and yawned. "Good morning," he smiled, sitting down next to me. "Sleep well?" I asked, before I took a sip of my orange juice. "Hell yeah. Your mattress is comfier than mine!"

I chuckled, as Louis stole my glass and downed the rest of my orange juice. "Hey! That was mine!" I jokingly scowled at him. He smiled cheekily, "mine now."

"What're you doing today?" I asked Louis, as I popped a chewing gum in my mouth and put my bag on my shoulder. "Absolutely jack. I don't want to go back to Bradford, I know that for sure."

"You can hang here if you want." I offered. Louis nodded thankfully, "thanks, love. What time do you get back from work?"

"Three. There's an open festival at Hyde Park, if you wanna go when I get back?" I suggested. "Sounds like a plan, babe. I have a month off, so bring it on." He smiled, hugging me suddenly. I've always felt really close to Louis, with a ton of mixed feelings. He's a very attractive boy, don't get me wrong, and we get on like a house on fire so it's not like we're star crossed lovers, but I feel like it would be wrong considering the whole Harold situation.

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