Story Telling. / 2

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"I'm sorry Simon, I don't know what else to do. The bank isn't forwarding my card details, it won't let me get any money out. I hardly have any cash on me, so I can't get a taxi back." I sighed, watching the rain form tiny water droplets on the glass of the bus shelter window. It's true, I don't have any other way to get home. It's been an hour since I've eaten, and the fact that my phone could run out of battery in the next fifteen minutes doesn't help my anxiety.

"Ella, I think there is a way you can get home. It might be the only way," Simon told me, as I pulled my hood less coat tighter around myself to attempt to create heat. Why did I even take the hood off of my coat? Ah, that's right, because the weather forecast for today was suppose to be sunny with highs of 23 degrees.

"What's that then?" I shivered, getting soaked as a bus came driving past. "Fuck sake," I cursed, standing up and squeezing the ends of my hair to get the excess dirty water drained. Simon chuckled, "Today is just not your day,"

"I'm afraid not. Anyway, the plan?" I asked, just wanting to get home. "I told the boys that you're in town, and you have no way of getting home. I told them that I didn't mind who helped you out, as long as it was one of them. They all jumped at the idea,"

"Wait, you told Harry where I am? No, Mr Cowell I just want to go home, not have a fucking trip down memory lane." Yes, I do swear at or in front of Simon, which sometimes can result in a few days suspension, or sometimes he just waves it off like no big deal. He knows me too well by now, he's not really bothered.

"Miss Marvin, I understand that this could be tricky for you later on when you do have to face Mr Styles, but for now you can cope with one of the other four, can't you?"

"Oh, okay that shouldn't be a problem. Thank you, Mr Cowell. Where do I have to meet them?"

"They'll come to you, just sit tight. Location?" He asked, as I told him where I was. "Oh, that's funny. The Boys' hotel is about one mile away from your location. You should be able to see it from where you are."

"I see it. Thank you Simon, I'll see you tomorrow." I spoke, before he said goodbye and hung up. Well, here goes.


"Sorry Miss, I can't let you go to that floor. Trust me, we've had thousands of people pretending to have relation to the boys. Without some sort of official identification from the boys about yourself, we can't let you anywhere near their floor."

Could things get any worse? I've been arguing with the receptionist for the past fifteen minutes, and I'm getting really sick of the smug look on her face. My phone has ran out of battery now, so I have no way of contacting Simon about this situation. "Fine, I guess I'll just wait over there then?" I pointed behind me to the group of very comfortable looking sofas. She rolled her eyes and nodded, and I grinned.

I sat on the grey sofa, just because it looked like the most comfy one out of the lot, but I guess I was wrong. I feel like I'm sitting on a plank of wood. Before I could swap seats though, a man in a navy blue hoodie and sunglasses sat down next to me. His hood was up, and I was getting kind of creeped out. Out of all of the chairs around here, he picks the seat right next to me?

"I heard you wanted to go to One Direction's floor?" He asked, an accent that I can't quite pin point, but I recognise.

"Um, yeah. I'm an old friend," I cough, moving away slightly. "I could get you up there," he grunts, taking his sunglasses off. "Louis!" I whisper, grinning. "Miss me?" He smirks, pulling me in for a hug. "You have no idea," I cried, burying my face into his neck.

I pull away, and he wipes the tears that have fallen onto my cheeks. "Now, I probably look like a reck."

"You sure do, Belle." He laughed. "I'm surprised you didn't recognise me,"

"Im quite surprised too, actually. I guess it was the fake voice," I chuckle, taking in every aspect of his appearance. My Best Friend, the one I haven't seen in just over three years. "I guess so," he agrees.

"There's a car waiting for us outside. Simon told me everything. Let's get you home, yeah?" He smiled, us both standing up. "Wait! Where's Niall, Liam and Zayn?"

"They've gone to pick up Harry. He couldn't get himself back here." He looks at his feet in disappointment, and rubs his eyes with the back of his hand. "Whats going on, Lou?"

"C'mon, I'll explain in the car." He gave a small smile. He put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me into him, like we used to do. We were so close, people thought we were dating. It was ironic when I'd wake up and see pictures from the night before spread all over magazine covers, we was only partying together like best friends would, but people twist it into their own story.

We got into a black Mercedes, and said hello to Paul, the boys' body guard. He was going to drive us back to London, which I was very thankful for.

"Have you heard about Harry's drinking?" Louis asked, as we sat in the back of the car. "Yeah, but I refused to look into it." I answered truthfully.

"Well, since you left, he hasn't been doing too well."

Harry and I dated a few years back. We'd known each other for ages, and eventually we decided to be more than friends. In 2012, Harry cheated on me. For months he was at it, and I came to a conclusion to who he was seeing. Taylor Swift. I was picking up on every little clue attached to the situation for months, trying to glue the pieces together before making accusations. One day, the puzzle was finished. Everything tied together, and my feelings weren't even in the sequence. He found me crying on the bedroom floor, and he knew I knew. He asked me how I found out, and I'd told him that it was obvious. He told me all the bullshit any man would; I still love you, it was a mistake, it shouldn't of happened, I'm sorry...

It just wasn't enough. How could it be a mistake when he was doing it for months. A mistake is when you write 2014 instead of 2015. I left him that night, and even though he broke my heart, I still had that pang of guilt when I saw him crying, begging me not to go.

Last year, 2014, I was in a relationship with someone who was so nice and genuine. That is until I found out he was doing the exact same thing as Harry did. That was that, relationship over. I've been single ever since, and I'm planning on keeping it that way.

"Okay.." I ushered for Louis to carry on. "He's been drinking non stop, binging, partying, one night stands, the lot. He won't listen to any of us, he skipped concerts, Fans have seen him out of his mind. Modest! Have threatened to kick him out of the band if he doesn't get himself in order,"

"Oh my god, Louis. I'm so sorry," I apologised, holding his hands in mine. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, this is all down to him. You left because of him, he ruined everything."

"But I should of still stayed in touch with you and the boys! I could've helped!"

"You needed time and space, so we gave you just that. Niall convinced himself long ago that you'd come back, and look where you are now. Please don't leave again, you're my best friend and we all need you," Louis broke down, crying as I hugged him tightly. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise,"

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