Wasnt expecting that / 5

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Yes I know, putting Louis, Chloe, Harry and I together is a recipe for disaster.. But who knows? Maybe a miracle will occur, making everyone be fine with each other and we do a flashback to four years ago, when we did exactly this with no problems at all, but who am I kidding?

Louis walks in and smiles at me, placing the bags full of delicious food on the kitchen counter. We barely speak as we unpack the bags and grab plates and cutlery from the cupboards and draws. I was just about to discuss this minor alteration with Louis but was stopped as Harry walked into the room, Megan following shortly behind. You can just feel the tension in the air, and immediately I could tell that this was going to be one awkward evening. Louis and Harry just did their own thing, which I got a bit annoyed at. They could both have the decency to at least say hello to each other. When Harry turned round to get a drink from the fridge, I lightly smacked Louis round the head. I gave him the 'say something!' look, and he shrugged. I gave him a death stare and he held his hands up in surrender. He coughed, "How about we go and eat in the front room around the coffee table with a movie on, for old times sake."

Harry turned around, looking taken back. "Old times sake?" He sounded surprised, but Louis didn't even look him in the eye. "I guess so,"

"Well this is great," Chloe rolled her eyes and sighed, "Chloe!" I hissed. "What? Just stating the obvious.'

I rolled my eyes at her, and started to take the food into the living room with the help from everybody else. We started eating, but the TV was off. Not everything can go back to how it was, no matter how much I may want it to. Things have changed, things need to be discussed also, it's better for now that we talk than anything else.

"So, Louis, how was your day?" I smiled at him, making conversation. He looked at me and smiled back, "It was good. I decided to go and see my mate Tom for a few hours."

"Mariah Carey obsessed Tom?" I asked in disbelief, I've known Tom as long as I have Louis, last I heard they weren't on speaking terms. "Yes, Mariah Carey obsessed Tom." Louis chuckled, shaking his head and digging in to his noodles. "I thought you guys weren't friends anymore?" My voice showing clear confusion. "No neither did I," Harry joined in. "Well you haven't technically been around much have you, mate" Louis raised his eyebrows at Harry, as Harry looked at me. I gave him a small smile, and carried on eating my food. "I love you, El, but I think I'm going to ditch this awfully comforting dinner catch up." Chloe awkwardly smiled as she stood up, took her plate into the kitchen and walked out the front door. Did she even have her keys and phone? Knowing Chloe, her phone was glued to her hand while she was still eating.

I put my plate on the coffee table and coughed, "We're going to get this sorted. You guys are going to speak to each other, say what you have to say to each other, get everything off your chest." 

"I have nothing to say to him," Louis spoke, dishonestly. "Come on, Lou." I lowered my voice, taking hold of his hand. "Do this for me, please?"

He hesitantly nodded, and I let go of his hand.  "Harry?" I asked, checking if he's okay with the discussion session that will take place. He nodded too, and I slightly smiled. We're getting somewhere.

I waited a few minutes for one of them to say something, but nothing was discussed, so I felt I had to intervene and encourage them a bit. "Harry's considering checking into London Gates Rehab, aren't you Harry?" I smiled, and Louis looked at him. "Considering?" Humour filled his voice. "You must be kidding me. It's great that you're considering it mate, but you actually have to do it to become better."

"Louis-" I started, but he cut me off. "Want to know what I have to say?" He stood up and looked between Harry and me, and I bit my lip. What have I started?

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