x2 - Carter

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6 a.m. Bright and early. Great. I groan as I push myself up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I got no sleep being so anxious, so it's safe to say I'm exhausted. I meet my roommate, Joanie, in the kitchen, who's making eggs and toast, also being greeted by our Great Dane puppy, Lane. I give her scratches behind the ear, yawning, and start to make my coffee. "Good morning, sunshine!" Joanie says chiperly, "Who's excited to start their new position today?" I glare at her, not awake enough to engage in any conversation, "Me..." I grumble. After indulging in some hot coffee to wake me up, I get dressed and head out the door to my car. New city, new job, new beginnings. I'm terrified.


"Hi! You must be Carter! We are so excited for you to join us, your resume was really outstanding. I'm Corrine, the Marketing Director!" The friendly, middle-aged blonde firmly shakes my hand as we walk towards the bottom entrance of the arena. This is so wild. Watching all of these games on TV and now getting to be a part of making them happen, this is the dream.

"So basically, we want you to just stay on top of all of the social media. The scoreboard will be your best friend, it will help you keep up with scores, power plays, penalties, and who's on and off the ice. Jamie will help you out-" Corrine is listing all of these things to me as the boys jump out onto the ice, starting their practice. My mind is going forty miles a minute, racing with tasks, ideas, and everything I just got myself into.

Corrine places a hand on my shoulder, "Don't get worked up, it's only your first day and you most definitely have the experience to ace this. But for now, just peruse the arena, follow the guys on the ice, and enjoy your first day!" She gets pulled away by a menacing looking man in a suit, shooing me away.

At first glance, I see the group of press lined up at the glass - some already taking shots of the boys practicing, and the coaches by the benches overlooking gameplays for the night. I walk towards the press, my eyes never leaving the ice, following all of the boys darting back and forth. I see David Jensen from Michigan Sports and start to make my way towards him when someone yells from the ice.

Did someone just say puck? I look up to see a small black object hurtling towards me from the opposite side over the glass. I duck at the last second as it flies past my head, my heart racing when I stand up. I look frantically around. "Are you alright?" one of the press asks me and I just nod, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I open my eyes to taps on the glass, seeing one of the players. His shaggy chestnut brown hair peeks out from the sides of his helmet, his pale blue eyes filled with worry. The silver 8 on his jersey reflects the arena lights. I had seen him practicing before, trying to put a name to the face. Langston. 

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