Chapter Three

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I followed the hooded woman further into the woods.

"Where are we going?" I asked continuously.

Each time, the woman answered, "Away from this planet."

But walking deeper into the forest wasn't anywhere farther from the planet of Endor. Farther from the marketplace, sure. But farther from the planet? I just didn't understand this woman.

Yet I still followed her, hoping she knew what she was doing.

I limped behind her, carefully watching my now bandaged shoulder. The white bandages were stained red already. I was just glad the woman didn't ignore my injury as I bled to death, whether I was following her or not.

"Where are we-"

The woman turned around, causing me to bump into her. I stepped back and tried to look under her hood, but it was all dark.

"Look, kid," The woman said. "I'm trying to save your life. The less you know right now, the better."

"Why is it better?" I asked. "Are you a wanted criminal or something? Because if so, I am too, and it wouldn't matter anymore if my face is posted on every shop door in the galaxy."

"Less questions, more walking," The woman said.

"You are super stern," I muttered and continued following the woman.

I'm glad I did, because not long after, we approached a tall, red and white ship hidden under leaves and vines. The woman slid the leaves off of one part, revealing a door that opened as she pressed a button on the keypad.

The ship was actually really nice inside, as much as it was outside. Clean cushions on the couches. Food on the tables. It wasn't as nice as the family I started with was, but it was better than what I was used to.

I sat on one of the couches and admired the softness of it. "I love your ship!"

Finally the woman took her hood off. She was a female togruta with orange skin and white face paint. Her eyes were blue and her hair was white with blue stripes in it.

"I'm glad you like it," The togruta smiled. She actually looked nice without the hood.

She pulled her coat off, revealing a gray battle outfit with a leather belt and long gloves that reached above her elbows. She also wore tall metal-like boots and a maroon colored chest plate. But what surprised me was what was hanging from her belt.

Two metal cylinders dangled from either side of the woman's waist. One was shorter than the other, and both were slightly curved. Intricate designs decorated the silver on it.

"Lightsabers," I remarked. "Only Jedi used those. Are you... Are you a Jedi?"

The woman looked down. "Once."

"Is that why you were wearing the hood and being all secretive and all?" I asked.

"That was because I didn't want to attract attention," The woman said. "These lightsabers catch the eyes of many. Many who want to steal them and sell them in the black market. I'm Ahsoka Tano, by the way."

"Hey, Ms. Tano," I waved a bit. "I'm Elayne. Elayne Starwind."

Ahsoka sat on the couch on the opposite side of me and slid a cup of steaming tea toward me on the table. "Have a drink while we talk."

"Talk?" I asked and picked up the cup. "You didn't want to talk before. What's different now?"

"Now, we are alone. Outside, anyone could be watching us," Ahsoka explained. "Now tell me, where do you come from?"

I hesitated. I didn't want Ahsoka telling everyone about everything I knew. But something about her made me feel like it was safe to say things.

"My family was poor, living on my birth planet. To be honest, I don't even know what planet I was born on. All I knew is that I was taken as a baby to be a slave when I grew up for a rich family," I took a sip of my tea. "Then, when I got tired of serving such cruel people, I ran away. Made them believe a ghost was haunting them. They fled for their lives, and I was left here, to steal food and become wanted."

"And that's your entire life?" Ahsoka asked and took a sip from her own tea. "You just steal? Survive?"

I shrugged. "I've gotten used to it."

Ahsoka leaned forward. "Have you ever felt something... Different at some times? Suppose when you're angry, or scared. Do crazy things you can't explain every happen in those times? Maybe when you were making the decision of running away?"

I thought about. From what I could remember, nothing unusual happened to me. I was just angry, usually slept it off. I shook my head.

"Huh," Ahsoka leaned back in her seat. "Well, we'll talk more later. For now, let me lead you to where you can sleep."

"Where I'm going to sleep?" I asked. "I'm staying with you?"

"Unless you want your bandages to wear out and you bleed to death, yeah," Ahsoka shrugged. "For a kid, you don't seem very excited about saving your own life. Maybe that's a good thing."

I scoffed. "What is that supposed to mean?" Then I stood up to go to where I was going to sleep.

Ahsoka led me to a small room with a tidy bed and a small shelf beside it for books or clothes.

"Neat," I complimented.

"And you're sure you have never felt anything weird, right?" Ahsoka clarified.

"Why is that even a question?" I asked.

"You ask questions a lot," Ahsoka noticed. "Hopefully that won't be a problem."

"A problem?" I laughed as hard as I could. "Please, all I am is a problem."

"Says who?"

"Says everyone," I sighed. "I'm literally just a mistake in the world. No one wants me, and no one ever will."

"Hey, there's a first time for everything," Ahsoka leaned against the wall. "Get your rest. I'm going to power the hyperdrive up."

"Got it," I clasped my hands together. "See you on the other side of the ship."

Ahsoka left me in the small but cozy room.

I loved it here.

Had Ahsoka actually accepted me? Did she really not hate me? That was definitely a first. A first I was eager to keep up.

I laid on my bed and thought about what Ahsoka had said. Weird feelings? Nah, never happened to me. Unusual things I can't explain? Maybe I could count my parents' deaths. I guess at the time is was really startling.

But nothing weird ever happened to me. I was just a normal girl living the life of a thief. I couldn't do big things like other people. I was just another thing in the universe, trying to survive in the wild.

Or was I?

Elayne Starwind - Padawan of AshokaWhere stories live. Discover now