Chapter Twenty-One

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"Have you guys been to Seelos before?"

Ahsoka, Sabine and I were sitting in the front of the ship. Ahsoka seemed to be in lost in her thoughts and Sabine was pacing back and forth in the little room. 

"Both of us, yes," Ahsoka said, nodding. "We visited our friend for assistance.  A kind person, he is. Not what many will think that, though."

"Bad rep?" I guessed.

Ahsoka's face saddened. "Yes, I guess so."

I bit my lip, awkwardly averting my attention to the various buttons on the control panel. "Did you do Jedi training on a ship like this?"

"There she goes with the questions again," Sabine muttered, dropping into her seat. I rolled my eyes.

"It's alright," Ahsoka said. "A curious mind is always the strongest. Anyways, when I was a padawan, we were at war, as you might know. Most of my training was on the battlefield. Through experience."

"Experience outranks everything," I remembered.

Ahsoka smiled. "I see you learn quickly."

I grinned proudly. "Yeah, I guess I do."

I watched outside, colors of blue and white racing past our ship. Hyperspace still awed me, even after being in it a couple of times. 

"Sabine," Ahsoka said, turning to face our other... teammate? Friend? I didn't exactly know what to call her. "Do you have the next location of the starship?"

"Yeah, it wasn't too hard to hack into their systems," Sabine said. "They'll be at Edriaria in about four rotations."

"About?" Ahsoka asked. "Do we have an exact time?"

"There weren't any specifics," Sabine said. "It was a transmission I intercepted, and I guess they already knew all the little details from previous meetings."

"I understand," Ahsoka said, though I don't think she liked not having a set deadline. "Well then, this is only more reason to hurry. It looks like we're here."

I looked outside. The hyperspace began to disappear, revealing once more the darkness of space, with tiny lights scattered for stars. I spotted the planet almost immediately. It was... really plain.

From what I could tell, Seelos was just a barren lump of giant space rock. There were no colors or very distinct landscapes. It was just land, as if the creator had started on a blank canvas but left the planet without actually adding anything.

"Welcome to Seelos," Ahsoka said, putting her hands on the controls. 

"It looks boring," I stated.

"Just wait until you land," Sabine said, chuckling at the thought. 

"What's on land?" I asked.

Sabine didn't answer.

"Preparing to enter atmosphere," Ahsoka said, flipping some more switches and doing stormtrooper-knows-what. 

I strapped myself into my seat, which was the one behind Ahsoka since Sabine tended to lean back in hers a lot, and leaned to the side so I could see everything that was going on. I didn't want to feel left out.

Ahsoka directed the ship down and as we entered the atmosphere, I realized what I thought about the planet before didn't change at all. In fact, it seemed even more boring once you got a closer look at it. 

"When I get my own ship," I said, "I'm going to bookmark all the good places to visit on vacation."

"Each planet has its own to offer," Ahsoka said, pulling back on the controls to steady the ship. "It's just a matter of appreciation."

Even though we were approaching very close to the surface, Ahsoka didn't land. She kept on flying forward.

"Why aren't we landing?" I asked.

"It's best not to leave our ship too far from where we need to be," Ahsoka said. "And that is where we need to be."

Ahsoka pointed forward and I spotted something in the distance. I thought at first it was only getting bigger because we were getting closer, but as the object got clearer, I realized it was also heading toward us. The thing had four huge legs, one slowly stepping in front of the other. It wobbled a bit with every step, but for the most part, it was pretty stable.

"What is that?" I asked, unbuckling myself and standing up.

"You'll see," Ahsoka said, a small glint in her eye. 

"Is it part of the job to act all mysterious when your padawan asks a simple question?"

"It's just a little bonus."

As the object walking toward us got clearer, I could make out more details. I realized I knew what  the thing was. I'd seen it back when my slave masters took me (reluctantly) along on their vacation, where the Empire had also decided to break out their sunscreen and hats. There were a couple walkers guarding the beach, shooting anyone who was anti-Empire. Though my masters' backs were facing the walkers, I got a pretty clear view of them since I was massaging their feet. I'm almost one hundred percent positive I still haven't washed out their horrendous smell completely.

But the walker didn't look normal. On its back was something I hadn't seen when I was on "vacation" with my masters. It looked like a whole... house. Maybe a little like my hut, but much, much bigger. 

"Your friend lives there?" I asked in awe.

"He does," Ahsoka said. I wondered what it would take to get Ahsoka to just say "yes" instead of "he does" or "I suppose so". 

"He lives in a walker?" I asked.

"Not a walker, no," Ahsoka said. "An old republic tank. Used during the Clone Wars."

Sabine left first, followed by Ahsoka and then me. We climbed out of the ship, with my closing the door since I was the last one out. 

"They see us," Sabine said as the walker-republic-tank-thing slowed to a stop. She fitted on her helmet, then put her hand on her hip. Ahsoka pulled her hood over her head, so I followed suit. Maybe it was part of the whole mysterious thing that was going on.

We were now standing right in front of the republic tank. I watched as two men stepped out from the entrance of the tank, which was about three times taller than us. They were both old, with white hair and beards. One of them had a scar across his right eye and the other had a warm yet serious expression. Something I'd seen only so many times on Ahsoka.

"Didn't expect to see you two here," The man without the scar said. "Trouble on Lothal?"

"No," Ahsoka said, stepping ahead of me and Sabine. "It's about Ezra."

"Look, we've already searched everywhere we could!" The man with the scar said. He seemed grumpy. "If you're here to ask for more—"

"It's not a search mission," Ahsoka said, holding her hand in front of Sabine, who had stepped forward. "Rather, an infiltration."

The other man narrowed his eyes on me. "And who's your friend here?"

"This is Elayne," Ahsoka introduced. "Elayne Starwind. Elayne, this is Rex and Wolffe."

The one named Rex looked at me. "Let me guess," He said. "Jedi?"

Ahsoka nodded. "She's my new padawan."

Rex raised his eyebrows, a smile tugging at his lips. "Ahsoka? A padawan? Well then, I suppose you three should come in. I can tell we have a lot to catch up on."


Well, here we are! Apologies for the wait, I got locked out of the Wattpad app for a while and I'm STILL locked out, so I have to use the web. And let me tell you, Wattpad web is not a great place to write.

Anyways, Rex has joined the game! I feel really proud of this story, idk why. I just have a feeling it's going to be pretty successful. Maybe it's my jedi senses tingling.

Vote, comment, and see ya! :D

Elayne Starwind - Padawan of AshokaWhere stories live. Discover now