Chapter 4 - Researching Balanced Energy

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In the library, Wangji let Wuxian look around for what ever he was looking for. Wuxian was looking for a book on talismans. He eventually found a few of them and took them to a desk to look at. He had some parchment, a brush, and some ink to write down anything he might find useful. Wuxian was known for inventing new talismans and tools. He has the spirit attraction flags and the compass of evil that he crafted on his own.

He had a love for talismans as they can be very useful in almost any situation. So his reason to look at the library for talismans is to help him gain more knowledge about them so he can create more. He thought about trying to make a talisman that can keep the Yin and Yang energies from colliding and having such an irritable and painful reaction. With the reaction against his skin, it was causing the resentment to effect his heart rate, which in return would make him tired or give him energy. He needed to find a way to balance it.

He started to notice that a lot or almost all of the energy at Cloud Recesses was Yang energy. He first needed to get more information on Yang energy and see if there is a way for it to pair well with Yin energy. Wuxian was curious and wanted to ask questions about it or ask if there are books he could read, but he was shy all of a sudden.

'Why is it with Lan er Gongzi that I feel so strange?' Wuxian thought.

He ignored his anxious brain and decided to approach the young Jade, "ugh, Lan er Gongzi, May I ask you a question?"

Wangji looked up at Wuxian and could see sincerity and kindness in his eyes. The very eyes he could barely make out due to that mask on his face.

"You may," Lan Zhan said putting his book down.

Wuxian knelt down on the other side of the desk so he can speak face to face, "I hope you don't make too much fun of me, but how is spiritual energy formed? How is it balanced and how is it controlled?"

"I wouldn't make fun of you," Wangji said, "these are questions that I am okay with answering. I understand your situation so I would understand that you may not have knowledge about spiritual energy as you would resentful energy as you can use it."

Wuxian nodded, "thank you," he said.

"Starting at a young age, between the ages seven and nine, depending on the lineage and level of spiritual energy that person already had. From what I know, resentful (Yin) is internal energy, while spiritual (Yang) is external energy, with the help of a Golden Core. Yang is a sort of positive energy. Some would say balancing the two is the most difficult because Yin can sometimes over take Yang or it can be the other way around. So, Yin is characterized as an inward energy that is feminine, still, dark, and negative. While Yang, is characterized as outward energy, masculine, hot, bright, and positive."

"Okay," Wuxian said calmly taking in the information, "for me, resentful energy is an unlimited resource of energy, is it the same for spiritual energy?"

"Spiritual energy depletes over time, but the more the person meditates and learns how to cultivate and strengthen their golden core, the longer and stronger the energy is," Lan Zhan explained.

Wei Ying nodded, "do you think there is a way to balance the two? Like for example you are one hundred percent Yang energy and I am one hundred percent yin energy. Do you think there is balance with the two?"

"I am sure there is some sort of way to balance it. So, it is to say that the negative energy and the positive energy need to be at the same level. If one is a tad higher or a tad lower, there is already an imbalance," Wangji explained.

Wuxian nodded, "okay, thank you for the help," Wuxian said.

"Of course, is there anything you need help with specifically?" Wangji asked.

"I am trying to find a way to maybe make a talisman or a charm that can help me during my stay here. Like I said before, the interaction between the two energies are having a reaction and it is slightly painful to my skin. It started of as a stinging sort of feeling but now it's changing to a burning type feeling. It's almost like the Yin energy is trying to even out so it can level with the amount of Yang energy here," Wuxian told him.

"I am sorry you have to deal with the pain," Wangji said, "maybe I can help you look for some books to help guide you in the right direction. If anything maybe finding a book an the balance of Yin and Yang. Maybe you could make a charm that adjusts to the energy in the area so it does not cause you pain."

Wuxian nodded and thought about that idea. Creating a balancing charm would be something he could try. An energy balancing charm. It can adjust to the level of energy in the area and keep it from reacting on his skin. In return, keep his heart from any more harm then it should be. He doesn't really know how much longer he has before it is too weak to carry on.

"Thank you," Wuxian said standing, "I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, if you need any more help, let me know. If you want help looking for books, also do not hesitate to ask," Wangji said picking up his book and went back to reading.

Wuxian smiled and went back to his desk. He found himself feeling more fond of Lan er Gongzi. Though, he had to keep himself at a distance. He knows that he is not really welcome here, his unorthodox ways are not acceptable in his clan. The fact they he is still okay and roaming around now, is a surprise to him. Also, he doesn't want anyone to be concerned for his health, there was nothing anyone could do for him, so it was his only option to try to keep himself at a distance

Going back to his research, he started looking for ways that balance out positive and negative energies. How can he create a talisman or charm that can help him from the burning pain that is caused by the two energy colliding to his skin. He is tolerating it as much as he can but soon, he isn't sure how much more he can tolerate it. He needed to work fast and to focus. He chose to have little rest until he has is answers. He knows that his research and work can cause him to overwork and to take a toll on his health, but the pain was making it hard for him to think properly.

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