Chapter 21 - Without You

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Wangji was standing in the group of heirs and head disciples as they were being talked at by Wen Chao. Because it was easy to hide under the sleeve of his robes, he had Xiē (scorpion whip) on his right wrist. He felt he could use it if he needed to. All of the things that Wuxian had crafted, Wangji was sure to make them be put to good use, as he would have wanted. The whip was made to be used with resentful energy but it was just as powerful with spiritual energy, maybe even more so, and more effective.

"I want all of you to surrender your swords," Wen Chao ordered.

"Surrender our sword? Why?" Jin Zixuan argued.

"To keep you from fighting back or rebelling. His excellency is doing you all a kindness, he is taking you here to teach you some manners, as you have all become so weak and ill-mannered," Wen Chao argued back, "now do it!"

Wangji was the first to surrender his sword, as it wasn't his real Bichen. His real one was safe in the ear cuff where he can access him later. He was then led to his quarters who he shared with, Nie Huaisang. He was okay with it as he can hopefully have an easier time keeping in touch with his brother that way. They were supposed to read and memorize Quintessence of the Wen Sect, but he will do that later, maybe.

"Lan Er Gongzi," Huaisang said with his eyes peaking over his fan, "I hope we can get along here. I wish to not bother you."

"No worries, Huaisang, and you can call me Wangji," he said, "my brother is in Qinghe as we speak, it will be easier for the both of us to keep in touch with him and your brother to know what is happening outside of here."

Huaisang nodded, "I the way, that Mo fellow, did you know his real name is Wei Wuxian, and his father's death was made to look like an accident. He was to leave the sect but he had to fight the leader to leave...that rule is rubbish, and Jiang Fengmian was going to let him go, it was his wife who fought him. Jiang Fengmian let the world think he was the one who fought but it was his wife Yu Ziyuan.

"She hated that he was leaving for a woman that here husband also had an interest for. She harmed him terribly during the fight. Fengmian offered to let him stay to heal, but Yu Ziyuan pushed him out. That doesn't seem like an accidental death to seemed like she wanted him to suffer to his death. And his wife, Cangse, that beast that killed her, it was her spirit beast that was a Scorpion, spider, and Snake hybrid named, Kaiya. She died from the venom of the beast...seems to me Yu Ziyuan has a lot of secrets to hide."

Wangji at first was not sure if he wanted to talk about Wei Ying, but after hearing the truth of his parents death, he listened attentively, "how did you get this information?" Wangji asked.

"I have some people who investigate these things. He introduced himself as Mo Xuanyu and I have a cousin by that name. It seemed all to suspicious to me. He was also hiding his face. He didn't have any ill intent though. Plus Jiang-Xiong looked into it as well and let me know what he found. He was shocked to know that the man died unjustly as well as his wife. His father wanted to make it up to them by finding their son to make things right but his wife was far too controlling...she still is, honestly," Huaisang answered.

"Thank you for telling me," Wangji told him, "unfortunately, Wei Wuxian died helping to protect my sect during a surprise ambush. Knowing this, his parents can get justice."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Huaisang said, "he seemed like a nice man."

Wangji nodded. His mind was now consumed of all things Wei Ying. Without him, his warmth had become cold, his smile was gone, his desires were left in the dust. He wondered how a man could mean so much to him in such a short period of time. His heart was in pain every second of every day. He turned his face more to the window and let the tears fall. He missed Wuxian dearly. He wanted him back in his arms. He wanted to taste his sweet lips again. He wanted the warmth from his body against his, to let him know that he was there.

There was pain, there was sadness, there was love, there was hate, and there was anger. All of these feelings were hidden deep down inside and he didn't know which emotions struck him the strongest. The pain and sadness from losing him and never knowing his hardships of his health. The love that he gained for the man in such a short time, his beauty, his voice, his eyes, his smile; all of the things that he loved of him. The hatred for he was now gone but hatred for how he left him. Hatred and anger for keeping him in the dark of his health. If he had known, he wouldn't have waisted so much time and just gave the man more. Gave him more love then he could ever ask for.

His emotions were strangling every inch of his body. Suffocating his lungs, depriving him of air. The pain and suffering feeling of trying to block and choke back the tears and sobs from escaping him. His body trembled and ached. It aches for just how tense he was as he tried to calm down. It was not working much at all. He was breaking apart, right there in front of Nie Huaisang.

To Huaisang, this was something he never expected to see in his life. The man who he was nervous around for bother him was falling apart into tears right in front of him. He had never seen such a strong and noble cultivator as Lan Wangji be this way. He didn't know what to do or think, to be honest. All he could do was send a private butterfly message to his brother and Xichen for advice. He didn't quite know Wangji's situation...but he could guess it had to do with Wei Wuxian.

I'm someone who loved and hates tension and sadness in a book. Love it for a good plot of the story, but hate it because of feelings. I am crying as I's painful I know, but bare with me. 😂

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