Chapter 1- The break up!

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Amy's POV-

So much has happened in the last three years, things went from being the perfect life that I had dreamed of to, something that I had hoped would never happen...but it did. Nathan and I have broken up, In fact, I'm waiting for the divorce papers to come through the letter box. We went through this horrible phase, arguing all the time, Nathan going out drinking and not coming home til the early hours of the morning.  He would randomly shout at the kids for no reason which would scare them. We've been through rough patches before, but they were never like this. It was just getting too much to handle. I found out some devastating news before filing for the divorce papers, Nathan had cheated on me for the second time! He promised me that he wouldn't, especially with what happened the last time. It broke my heart once again. He said it didn't mean anything but I've stopped believing anything he said to me.

He moved out and into a flat not far from where Tom lives. All three kids have been asking what's been going on...I think now is the time to tell them. I was waiting for them to come home from school. They've grown up so much, it only seems like yesterday since I gave birth to them. Lucy's eight years old now, she's a very clever little girl, doing well at school. Oscar and Ollie are now 6 years old, they're just as cheeky as before, and last but not least, Maisie is three years old, she goes to nursery three times a week, whilst I'm at work. I opened up a little cafe in town, Jade helps me run it, it turned out more successful than I had expected.  My mum was picking the kids up for me today. I looked at the time and it was 3:30pm, the kids are usually home around about now. I kept thinking about what to say to them, it's not like they'll never see Nathan, he's only in town. I just hope that it was the right decision. I heard the sound of the front door opening. Next thing I knew Lucy, Ollie and Oscar came running through the living room door. Mum was carrying Maisie in her arms as she was asleep.  

They came and gave me a hug, one by one. Ollie then pulled away and said,

'Is Daddy home yet?'. I sighed and replied,

'No love. I need you three to sit down for a minute, I've got something to tell you,'. They looked at me and done as they were told. I took a deep breath and began to speak,

'You know how Dad's not been around as much lately?'

'Yeah,' Lucy answered.

'Well, it's because me and your Dad aren't together anymore.  This doesn't mean you won't see your Dad, he lives in town, not far from here. It was a hard decision but it was the best thing to do,' I said as tears filled my eyes. I had to be strong whilst telling the kids, no matter how hard it was to say. 

'Why have you split up?' Lucy asked, she was surprisingly strong about this, I thought she would be the worse one, as she is a Daddy's girl.

'We've not been getting on,' I replied. All of a sudden I felt Ollie hug me tightly. He looked up at me,

'Everything will be OK mummy, I'll look after you,' he smiled. This made the tears in my eyes fall down my cheeks,

'Thank you sweetheart,Dad still loves you just as much as before,' I answered. We sat there hugging for a little bit longer. The kids then went to get changed out of their school uniforms. I went into the kitchen to start putting the dinner on. 

I heard Mum come in after me. Over the last few years I've been getting on with my mum remarkably well. Since Paul was sent to prison. She has helped me through this difficult time. She put her hand on my shoulder,

'You've done the right thing, they took the news well,' she said.

'A bit too well, I thought they'd react badly to the news,' I replied.

'It might not of sunk in properly. Just gotta take it slowly with them, and as you said, they will still see Nathan,' she answered. 

'He's coming round at the weekend to have them for a couple of days, The girls are making me go out for a drink,' I explained.

'It's about time you went out, you've been stuck inside dealing with your troubles. You need to let your hair down, and have a good time,' she replied.

'Yeah, it'll be good seeing the girls aswell,' I answered. Soon the kids came down and sat at the kitchen table to eat their dinner. 

'When will we see Daddy again?' Oscar asked.

'On Friday, you'll be going round his for the weekend,' I replied.

'You'll be on your own for the weekend?' Luce questioned.

'I'm seeing Jade, Sophie, Emma and Claire for most of the weekend. Don't worry about me babe. You'll have fun with your Dad, you always do,' I mentioned.

'Someone has to worry about Mummy, I don't want you to be on your own and be lonely,' she whispered.

'I'll be fine. Will get some peace and quiet from you four monsters,' I winked. She just laughed and carried on eating. It wasn't long before I was putting them to bed. Maisie was fast asleep, she was always a good sleeper. Ollie and Oscar were the little troublemakers at bedtime, they find it hard to wind down and calm down. I usually go to them last. Lucy is normally sat up reading a disney book, she loved the Disney princesses, her favourite was Cinderella. She liked dressing up as them with her many princess dresses in her dressing up box. I kissed them all goodnight and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of white wine. After that I went to lay on the sofa, I kept thinking the same things. I just wanted this heartache to go away, and things to go back to how they were. The kids were happy and more importantly so were me and Nathan.

End of Chapter 1!


I hope this is good, this is the sequel to Let's Get Ugly. Please have a read, or even comment or vote.

Chapter 2 could be up tonight aswell:)

Thanks, Amy xx

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