Chapter 4--

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Lucy's POV-

We were sat waiting for Dad to come and pick us up as it was friday again. I couldn't wait to see him again. I really miss not seeing him everyday like we used to, when Mummy and Daddy still loved each other. I kept thinking about how I caught Mummy kissing that guy, it made me more determined to get Mummy and Daddy back together. I know that there is still something between them, they just need to realise it. Ollie was still causing trouble for Mummy, even Uncle Tom told him off for being horrible to Mum. I tried to stop him but he just pushed me over, which made me hit my hurt. Mummy hugged me and gave me a sweet for being brave. Soon I saw Dad's car pull up outside the house. A smile appeared on my face as  I was happy that he was finally here...he's always late. 


Nathan's POV- 

I parked the car and made my way to the front door, I couldn't wait to have the kids for the weekend. I went to knock on the door, and Amy soon appeared in the door way.

'Hi,' I said as I didn't know what else to say. She was wearing a lovely dress, it really brought out her eyes. My god, I missed being with her. 

'Come in, they're still getting ready,' she smiled slightly. I walked into the house and found Lucy sat on the sofa waiting for her little brothers and sister to finish getting ready. She ran to me when she saw me. I got down to her level and hugged her.

'Hey, how's my baby girl?' I asked her.

'She's fine thank you,' she smiled. I went to stand up when I saw a guy I had never seen before talking to Ams. He was stood quite close to her....Had she replaced me already? I looked at this guy up and down...I didn't like the look of him. I wanted to be the one to be that close with her. I was starting to feel insanely jealous of him and I don't know who he is yet. Amy noticed me looking, she looked uncomfortable. Soon the rest of the kids came down stairs to see me at last.

'Have they been good?' I asked Amy,

'Ollie's been a naughty boy, but the rest have been fine,' she replied.

'What's he been doing?' I questioned.

'He's been playing up and saying horrible things towards me,'

'Such as?' 

'He hates me and wished I was the one who left, I'm horrible and he wants to be with you you want me to carry on?' she answered with a sad look in her eyes, I so wanted to take that away from her. I am the reason why all this is happening though...this is all my fault.


'Babe...I mean Amy...he doesn't understand what they mean...he doesn't mean it. I know he loves you,' I responded. I was so embarrassed that I had just called her babe....she's not my babe anymore. 

'Maybe you could talk some sense into him...he might listen to you,'she suggested. 

'Of course...anything for the kids,' I nodded. She then kissed and hugged the kids goodbye and we soon left to go back to my flat. I was quiet in the car, I just wanted everything to back to how it used to be, where I didn't have to live far away from the kids and Amy. I have to do something about it...but what? Amy seemed to have moved on from me...or is it just a cover up...could she still love me? Oh what am I thinking, it's just wishful thinking. I soon got the kids back to my flat and I made sure they were ready for bed as it was almost their bed time.. Once they were ready, the came and sat with me in the living room.

'Daddy, can we watch a film?' Ollie asked.

'What film do you want to watch?' I answered.

'Ice Age please Dad,' Oscar replied. I got up and put the Ice Age DVD on. I sat on the sofa and Lucy came and hugged me. The other three stayed on the other chair. I pressed play on the DVD remote and the film began to play.  I put my arm around Lucy and she rested her head on my lap. She had been quite clingy tonight not that I am complaining but she's not usually like this. 

We were sat watching the film that was about halfway through when Ollie started laughing,

'What you laughing at Mr?' I asked him. He pointed at the TV and said,


'What do you mean by you?' I questioned.

'You're Sid,' he laughed again.

'Awh thank you son,' I replied sarcastically. Now all the kids joined in with the laughing...which made me laugh to.  In fact, it was probably the first thing that has made me laugh that much since what happened. I soon went to put the kids to bed, Oscar had fallen asleep on me during the film. So I carefully picked him up and carried him to bed. The three youngest were tucked up in bed. I made my way into Lucy's room. She was sat up in her bed, like she was waiting for me to come and tuck her in. I went to her and sat down on her bed,

'I saw Mummy kissing Ryan the other night,' she revealed to me. Once I heard this I felt a if I had just been stabbed in the heart. I knew we had to try and move on but I didn't think she would so soon.

'Well I'm happy if he's nice to would tell me if he's horrible at any time wouldn't you?' I replied. She nodded her head,

'I won't let him hurt mummy..until you come home anyway,'. God, this was so hard.

'Sweet heart, you know that, that's probably not going to happen..this is my new home,' I answered. She moved closer towards me and hugged me. I knew this was hard on the kids, I just wanted to make things better.

6 Months Later-

Amy's POV-

It's been 6 months since I got together with still feels weird being in a different relationship but I am slowly getting used to it. The kids got on well with him but Tom wasn't so keen on him. He warned me about getting with him but as you can see I ignored him. I felt like things were going quite well between us both. I finally felt happy, but that feeling seems to go away whenever Nathan is around. In a way...I felt guilty about being in another relationship...but if he hadn't of cheated, we wouldn't be in this position, we could still be that happy family we once were. Lucy, Oscar and Ollie were at school and I was on my way to drop Maisie at her playschool. She was the quietest out of the kids, she loved her colouring in and had an interesting in animals. Once I had taken her to playschool, I made my way to the bank as I had some bills to pay. 

I got to the bank and went inside. I went up to one of the bankers.

'How can I help you?' she asked.

'I need to pay for some bills and get some money out please,'

'How much would you like to take out?' she questioned.

'About £200 please,' I answered. She began to type some details into the computer, a confused expression came across her face.

'I'm sorry but I can't give you that money,' she said.

'Why not?' I responded.

'Because you don't have any money left in your bank account,' she revealed.

'What?! I had enough money in there yesterday..' I panicked.

'I'm sorry but there is no money in this account,' 

'But where could it have gone? I've not taken any money out for a couple of days..' I debated.

'I'll get someone to look into it for you..I'll get in contact with you,' 

I walked away in shock...where could that money be? 

End of Chapter 4.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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