Chapter Six

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"Aurora, are you alright?" Meliodas asked, gently shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes and was met with his green ones. "Did you remember something?"

"I just remembered meeting you." His eyes widened, searching for emotion on Aurora's face. When she smiled, he did as well, realizing it was a happy memory. Meliodas knew it was only a matter of time until she knew just how painful their meeting had been for her. Sure she gained a new friend but she lost so much as well.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Once they got back to the tavern, everyone gathered outside with drinks and food. Aurora couldn't help but feel like she's done this before. That they had once been all together doing this exact thing. She grabbed a glass to take a sip but before the cup even touched her lips, she quickly tore it away to stare at it.

Instead of sitting around the Sins, she was in what appeared to be a castle. She sat at the foot of a long dining room table. There was a plate overflowing with food in front of her but it looked untouched. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a goblet. It was full of water but that didn't matter to her. What did matter to her was that the side of it was reflective. Aurora reached out to grab the goblet but stopped, shocked by how heavy her arm seemed. Chains were wrapped around both of her hands, keeping her tied to the floor. She could move her arms but they kept her from stepping away from the table. She grabbed the goblet again, staring at her reflection. She was just a girl, but her eyes seemed to know the terrors of war. Despite being in an extravagant ball gown, her face was littered with cuts and bruises. Her cheekbones were overly pronounced as if she hadn't eaten in weeks.

Aurora gasped as she opened her eyes again. She was back at the tavern and Elizabeth was sitting next to her.

"Is everything alright, Lady Aurora?"

"I- Um...Yes everything is alright. My flashbacks are just becoming more frequent."

"Do you mind if I talk with Aurora, Elizabeth?" Meliodas as he walked over. Elizabeth quickly stood up.

"Of course not." Meliodas smiled before sitting down next to Aurora.

"Are all of these visions actually memories?"

"Depends on what you're seeing."

"I was sitting at a dining table but I was chained so I couldn't get away." Meliodas looked away and remained silent. "So it's true. My parents were killed trying to keep me from being taken." Aurora let out a sigh. "Did I know you yet? Did I know you before this memory?"

"No, not yet. We met shortly after."

"This is a lot. It's like I'm watching someone else's life. I know they're my memories but it still feels so strange."

"I can only imagine. Why don't you go rest? It might make you feel better." Aurora nodded and headed towards the bedroom she had been staying in. She was scared of what the future had to hold. Her memories were coming back faster and faster and they seemed to become darker as well. She knew if she had all of her memories, she would be able to remember all of the people she cared for but she wondered if that was enough. She wondered if, once she remembered who she was, she'd wish that she didn't remember. Her past seemed so full of heartache and pain that she didn't know how she would be able to get through remembering it. Aurora took a breath to steady herself. She was still alive, still breathing. She had made it through it once. Even if she couldn't recognize the person that lived through all of the horrors, that person was still somewhere inside of her, wanting to be set free.

"Everything okay?" Aurora locked eyes with Ban, now realizing that she was sitting on the stairs. She stood up, embarrassed, and dusted herself off.

"Yeah. Just thinking." Ban sat down on the stair in front of her as she sat back down. "It's so confusing hearing about my past because it's like I'm not even that person anymore." Ban remained silent and stared at the ground as if that was a thought that had been ailing him. "What was I like?" Ban's red eyes widened until he shook his head and let out a soft chuckle.

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