Chapter Thirty

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"Shhhh. I'm here now. I'm here." Elizabeth passed out in Aurora's arms. She struggled beneath her weight, still nowhere near as strong as she was before she was before she was captured. Meliodas ran over and took Elizabeth from the redhead and brought her up to their room. Aurora trailed behind, feeling numb.

Meliodas and Aurora sat down beside the bed Elizabeth was lying in. Meliodas held one of Elizabeth's hands and one of Aurora's. Aurora stared blankly ahead, feeling as if nothing was real anymore. Things were happening around her, but she felt like she was just observing as if she weren't actually there. Ban stood behind her, rubbing her back, but she barely felt it.

"Merlin, do you know the cause of this?"

"This is probably the effects of Zeldris's magic from when she freed me from his curse."

"Does that mean the curse has moved onto Elizabeth now?"

"No." Meliodas at last spoke. "Elizabeth's memory has started to return."

"Her memory? You mean her past lives? That's incredible!"

"Huh? Past lives? What are you talking about?"

"This is going to shock the pants off you King! Apparently, Elizabeth has been reincarnated dozens of times over the past three thousand years, each time, losing all of her memories of her previous life! That's why she was saying she wanted to get back her memories of her past lives to us earlier." A tear rolled down Aurora's face without her even realizing it.

"Watch your mouth, Diane!"

"What? Why? Captain is the one being mean! He purposely ignored Elizabeth when she tried to talk with him about it!" The room was still for a moment.

"It's all over now. It won't take long for all of her memories to return. And when that happens, Elizabeth will die in three days."

"I need to go." Meliodas looked up to Aurora as she stood up in worry. "I just need to lay down, I'm not leaving the tavern." He nodded. She walked back to her room, noticing Ban had followed her. "I-I need to be alone right now, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize." He said, picking up Theo.

"I'm sure Meliodas is about to explain everything. You should go listen." He nodded before leaving the room. Aurora collapsed back on the bed, tears filling her eyes. She didn't know how long she lay there. She was in a trance until she felt the presence of demons, it was time. It was time for her to either die or join them. She ran downstairs to Meliodas's room, finding everyone still gathered there, no one saying a word. All eyes went to her as she entered. Both Meliodas and Merlin gave her looks of disbelief. They could tell by the look on her face what was happening.

"Aurora, what's wrong?" Ban asked, eyes full of worry.

"It's time." She said looking between Meliodas and Merlin causing both to gasp. Aurora left the room, quickly taking her sapphire earrings from her pocket and putting them on. The others followed down the stairs after her. She opened the door and walked outside, seeing the demons. Everyone stood exactly as they had in Theo's vision. "I have to join them." She addressed her allies, getting confused faces in return. "I-I'm so sorry. I just want you to know that I don't want to abandon you. I don't have time to explain, but Merlin and Meliodas can once I'm gone. I love you all, goodbye. She started to walk away when Zeldris made a small motion towards Theo, reminding her she hadn't performed the spell he recommended yet. She stopped halfway, just as she had in the vision before returning to Ban and Theo. She focused all of her magic into the spell, making it so not only would she not hurt him, but she would also protect him from harm. She placed a gentle kiss on the infant's head, finishing the spell. She pulled Ban into a passionate kiss. "I will always love you, no matter what. It doesn't matter if I know who you are or if I am able to feel love, my heart will always belong to you. I know you'll take great care of Theo, I just hope I get to raise him with you." She whispered quietly to him as tears ran down her face. Without waiting for a response, she wiped her tears and walked towards the demons. The only thing she could hear was the sound of her own heart beating in her ear.

"It's time to give into the darkness, Aurora." Zeldris spoke without emotion. She nodded and closed her eyes. She focused on the dark magic that had been growing inside of her. The magic that grew stronger and harder to contain every time she was scared or mad. She gave into those emotions, letting herself well up with rage and panic. At last, a fog settled into her mind. She felt free and almost comforted. The emotions that controlled her just seconds prior seemed like a distant dream. Wind blew around her, just as it had in the vision. Once the wind settled, she was left in the navy blue dress Theo had prophesied. It was exactly the same with the plunging neckline, slit, and the silver beaded corset. Black wings erupted from her back.

"Aurora, you have to fight it!" Diane yelled, tears running down her face.

"It's too late for that. The Aurora you once knew is gone. Her emotions have been consumed by the darkness. It's probably best to separate what I once was and what I am now...for all of your sakes." She turned towards the demons. "Let's leave. Everyone's mood is so's sickening." And just like that, she was gone, flying through the air with the other demons.

"What the hell just happened?" Ban asked, looking between Merlin and Meliodas. They stood still, their faces pained. "Why are you just standing there? We have to do something! We have to go after her!" Meliodas walked over to his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. As he did so, Theo showed them the vision of what would have happened if Aurora didn't leave. Once it was over, tears were running down his face.

"She had to, Ban. She wanted a chance at being with you in the future and watching Theo grow up. If she didn't leave, we would lose her forever."

"And now that she's gone?"

"We have a chance."

After almost an hour of flying, Aurora and the other demons at last landed in Camelot. The redhead tried to flatten her wind-blown hair as the black-haired demon walked over to her.

"How are you, Aurora?" Zeldris asked carefully. A large smile spread across her face.

"Oh, I feel amazing! Well I guess technically I'm feeling nothing, but I have never felt so free. It's like I'm breathing fresh air for the first time and I never want to go back!"

"I'm so glad to hear it, Aurora! I actually have some news for you." Melascula spoke sarcastically.

"What is it?"

"Do you remember that guy you liked when you were younger and then he triggered your curse?" Aurora furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding where the pink-haired demon was going with this. "Well, plot twist, he's a demon and we sent him to kill you, not the goddesses."

"Why are you telling me this? I would feel more remorse for hurting an insect than that sorry excuse of a living thing."

"Wow, Aurora. I'm hurt. After three thousand years, you would think a girl would stop overreacting, but apparently not." The redhead didn't even bother turning to look at him. Instead, her gaze remained on Melascula.

"Why is he here?"

"Aurora, this is your fiancé." The pink-haired demon spoke with a grin wider than Aurora thought was possible.

"Yeah, no. Why would I ever agree to marry him?"

"Because if you don't, we'll kill you."

"And what do you get out of this little arrangement? Why does it matter to you?"

"He agreed to help in the war, but only if you were engaged." Aurora laughed humorlessly.

"And what do you get, William?" She spoke, at last turning to look at him with a deadly glare.

"Honestly the most rewarding part is just seeing how mad you get." She turned back to Melascula.

"And if I kill him?"

"We kill you."

"For some reason I doubt that because you were so desperate for help in this war that you had to ask him for help. I can't imagine you killing me and losing two people. That might be enough to tip the scales, don't you think?"

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