Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Why are you doing all of this? You were the one who forced me into becoming a demon as a child and then you release me when you know good and well you're going to capture me again and force me to join you?"

"If it were up to me, you would neither join us or die. It's my brother Estarossa's plan." He let out a sigh. "I have been awful to you in the past, I know that. I know that the things I have said and done will never be forgiven. However, I want you to know that I feel remorse. I listened to the orders from my father and because of that, you and your siblings were used as science experiments. I want you to know that I'm sorry."

"I...I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Oh, I recommend placing a spell on that baby of yours that makes you protect him no matter what. That way, it'll be easier to get your emotions back knowing you didn't hurt your son." Aurora was astonished. That was a great idea that she would definitely take advantage of, it just didn't make sense to her why he was helping her.

"Thank you?"

"I know you see me as your enemy, but I'm not. I will make sure you survive this war or I will die trying. After all you've been through, some of it due to me, you deserve to grow old with the love of your life and to watch your son grow up. Don't forget about that spell." Before she knew it, she was back in the bedroom. Her head was spinning and she could feel a migraine coming on. Elizabeth was no longer in the room and Ban was holding her in his arms.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Aurora nodded and leaned her head against his chest.

"My head just hurts. I think I need to lay back down." Ban nodded and carried Aurora back up to their shared room. Theo was in a bassinet in the corner of the room, fast asleep.

"I'll be back to check on you in a little bit." She nodded, almost immediately falling asleep. It was anything, but a restful sleep. She was plagued with nightmares, both of the past and future. She thought that she had finally stopped having nightmares over the night her parents died, and yet, here she was. She always missed them, but recently, it's been more so. She had never imagined having a child of her own until she did. Once she had Theo, it felt like one of those things her parents should have been there for. They should have gotten the opportunity to hold him and talk to him. They should have had the opportunity to be grandparents, just as her siblings should have been an aunt and an uncle. Instead, she lived in a world where she wasn't even sure if she would live long enough for her own son to remember her. The only comforting thought about her death is that she would be with her family once again, even if it meant leaving behind the one that was still living.

Her eyes snapped open as she gasped. Her eyes shot around the room noticing Theo still sleeping, Elizabeth on a stool beside the bed holding her hand, and Ban standing by the door with a worried expression. She motioned for Ban to come closer and he did, sitting carefully beside her on the bed. She wrapped her arms around him and he did the same instantly.

"Are you alright?"

"Just nightmares. It really upsets me that my parents and siblings never got to meet Theo. I know they died thousands of years ago, it just feels like something they should have been there for." Ban nodded, placing a kiss on the top of her head. She knew he couldn't relate with his own parents, but missed his younger sister as well.

"I don't remember my mother, but I know she's always with me. She died when I was very young, but I still feel like I know her. Theo will feel the same because he will have you raising him with the same values they raised you." Aurora was taken aback. Elizabeth didn't know just how much she needed to hear that. Even if she were to die, hopefully, Theo would know how much she loved him. And if she were to live, she could tell her son about the amazing people who laid down their lives so she could live.

"You're right, thank you Elizabeth. I needed to hear that."

"Of course. I'll go make some tea, I'm sure that would make you feel better." Aurora smiled warmly at her.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." She smiled and nodded before leaving the room.

"I'll be back shortly. I have to talk to Meliodas."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed her before going to meet Meliodas. Aurora sat there for a few minutes, feeling guilty for worrying everyone. She got up and started to walk down towards the kitchen to help with tea. Right as she got to the bottom, she heard glass shatter.

"Let go of me, Diane!"

"Calm down! What's wrong, Elizabeth?"

"I have to hurry and let them know!" Aurora remained frozen on the stairs, hoping this was another one of her nightmares or Elizabeth had just gotten frightened. She didn't know if she could handle Elizabeth's curse being activated on top of everything else right now.

"What? Who?"

"Please! I need to let Meliodas know that Barzad has been bitten by a werefox!" So it was true. Elizabeth's memories were back. At last, Aurora walked into sight. "Aurora!" Diane's grasp loosened and Elizabeth ran over to the redhead girl, pulling her into a tight embrace. Aurora couldn't find it in her to return it.

"What do you remember?" She asked, a piece of her still doubting Elizabeth's memories had truly returned.


"I can't lose you again. Not now." At last, she returned the tight embrace, holding onto Elizabeth as if she were a lifeline.

"Shhhh. It's alright, I'm here now." She whispered so only Aurora could hear. "We'll figure it out. All that matters is you're here now." Elizabeth pulled back slightly so she could cup Aurora's face in her hands. "You've been through so much Aurora, and I want you to know I'm so proud of you. I will always be proud of you." The redhead nodded, fighting back tears. Elizabeth pulled her back into an embrace. "And Theo is just perfect. You and Ban are great parents. I'm so happy you were able to find someone you love so much. And I'm so glad you were able to break your curse."

"I have to join the demons or they are going to kill me." She whispered quickly. "I don't know how much time I have left or if I'll even make it out alive. Elizabeth, I'm so scared."

"It's okay, Aurora. You'll figure it out and I know you'll find a way back to us."

"What happened?" Meliodas asked, running down the stairs.

"Captain! Elizabeth just suddenly started acting strangely." Aurora looked over her shoulder to Meliodas nodding once, indicating her curse had been activated. She looked back at Elizabeth, panic welling up inside of her.

"Hey. Breathe. It's going to be alright."

"I can't lose you again. I can't do it, Elizabeth, it'll kill me."

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