Chapter 2: Wishing For Home

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Chapter 2: Wishing For Home

Faineth POV

I yawned loudly, stretching my arms over my head. Next to the bedside stood a platter laden with various foods. Since we had arrived here, even though I was uninjured and fairly well, I had been granted to take my breakfast in bed. With a grin I examined the food. Soft white rolls, crusty on the top and still warm in the middle, creamy cheese to spread on them and a tall thin goblet of some fruit flavoured drink. I sipped it between mouthfuls, savouring the pleasant taste. Once finished I stood and walked over the dress that hung beside the window. I undressed and slipped it over my head, pulling on the fabric shoes and climbing down from my flet.

Lothlorien was so calm in the morning, as the sun poked her head over the horizon, flooding the trees with peaceful golden light. I found a place to sit, an ornate bench carved into a tree, and basked in the morning sunlight. Tucking my feet up under my dress I ran my cool fingers over some of the carving on the bench, wondering who had dedicated such time to the task. I examined them closer, a maiden in the forest, dancing as a speechless man watched on. I rubbed the elf woman's braided hair until it shone brightly, the sun catching on each individual groove. She was beautiful, graceful and ethereal, her beauty exaggerated by the brightness. Next I looked to the man. He had masculine, wide shoulders and a slender waist, his bare arms toned and muscled. The carving made him look rugged, brave, his eyes fixed on the gorgeous woman.

None of the engravings had worn away, they were still as detailed as the day they were first made, and the expressions of love and adoration were clear and vivid.

Beren and Luthien, the mortal man and elf princess who fell in love.

Now I had remembered who they were, it pained me to look. The engraving, and the tale behind it made me think of Oreth and her dead lover; Alden, who had been slain by Ragortz just days earlier. I sighed and touched Luthien's hair again. It was even braided like Oreth's always has been. And Beren's stance was just like Alden, the way he had always stood.

Thinking of Alden and Oreth made me forget my fine mood. Alden had been a good friend to us all, and the loss of him had been heavy on all of us. I felt most sorry for Oreth, and of course, for Alric his twin brother. When I had visited him the day before, he had been in mourning. But he swore to me that although Ragortz had been killed, he would hunt down every orc in Middle Earth to avenge his twin's death.

Oreth on the other hand, I had not seen. But I knew she would not have taken it well. The elvish tend to mourn for long periods of time, sometimes being even consumed by grief that takes their soul and eventually their body. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better I was born a mortal. I do not let grief take hold of me like my kin. My sister is the one who mourns.

I prayed Oreth did not pass away from sorrow, whispering to thee carved bench and willing the Valar to hear my prayers.

About ten minutes later, I heard the sound of people entering the empty clearing. I rose from my seat and dusted off the skirts of my mint gown. My sister, Mistil, and three elves I did not recognise walked into the glade. As soon as she noticed me, Tirnel smiled, rushing over to embrace me. I returned her hug willingly. When I pulled away I saw a nervous look in her eyes.

"What will happen because of our, no, because of my stupidity? The world is already in ruin and...and our quest has simply made it worse. I let them get the Stone! I let Alden-"

She broke off, tears welling up in her turquoise eyes as she lifted a hand to her mouth and sank down onto the carved bench.

"Oh Faineth... I just want to go home."

Caranel POV

"My lady Caranel?" I jumped, startled, and placed down my book. I stood and hurried to the door, dark red gown swishing at my ankles. I quickly opened the door and saw an elf woman standing outside. She ushered me down the steps. "The Lord and Lady require your presence." She turned hastily and I hurried down the steps after her.

Ever since we had arrived back in Caras Galadhon I had noticed a drastic change in the atmosphere. Where before it had been joyful and calm, serene but cheery, there was now a void of silence filled only by hushed whispers and quiet footsteps. Where there had previously been young elves playing and laughing, and adults chattering, I now saw very few people. The elves were leaving.

I saw them gently bid farewell to their forest, touching each tree with a gentle hand. Their pale skin and fair hair made them seem like faded mallorn leaves fluttering through the air. I saw them gathering small possessions and loading graceful elven boats and coaches with them. I saw them whispering to friends and family, brushing finger tips and whispering in ears. They wore white cloaks and dresses so that they appeared akin to ethereal ghosts floating between the branches, yellow elanor flowers tucked in their hair. I watched them from my window as stately processions made their way through the city, casting forlorn looks back at their beloved forest. They were so wistful, so full of longing for better days when they could have danced and laughed without fear of the growing shadow. They dreamt of their glorious city as it used to be; bountiful and beautiful, full of joy and freedom.

It made me long for my own home. The white walls of Minas Tirith, the splendour and grandeur within its ramparts. The feeling of certainty and safety. The sensation of ruling the world as you looked down upon Osgiliath, the regal atmosphere within the throne room.

A city of men.

That was the only place I wished to be.

A/N: I know its a short crappy chapter but its coming up to the exam period (yaaaaaayyyy...) so I don't have time to write.

I don't have anything else written but I'll try and get some done for the beginning of June when the exams end.

I'm so glad you all enjoy my fic and I love your votes and comments!


also i'm sorry for killing alden...wait no i'm not its vital to the plot

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