The Reunion

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It's cold here.

   It feels like hours have passed, although it's only been a few minutes.
Where am I?
It's only darkness with noises in the background that sound familiar.
    I hope Wilbur is doing well; after all, who wouldn't be? He'll be okay without me around; it was bound to happen.
   It's my luck that everything nice that occurs to me goes horribly wrong.
    Would it be okay if I just went to sleep? I'm not capable of doing anything here anyway.

Meanwhile, a grieving Wilbur and a frantic father stood around Tommy, hoping to bring his youngest son back to life after he had just gotten him back.

"Wilbur, don't worry. He'll be alright." I understand your concern, but we can't do much until he wakes up so we can check on him," Technoblade grumbled.

Technoblade couldn't think he'd see his younger brother again; their family had fallen apart since Theseus' disappearance.
Wilbur refused to play his guitar or sing since it reminded him of Theseus, whom he used to play to frequently. Technoblade ended up teaching knights for the approaching war, and he rarely stopped. Philza's work would drown him. He wasn't going to stop working; he had a kingdom to manage, and it didn't wait for anyone.

   Because of the stabbing event in the palace, the queen Kristin had to rest for the next few years. When she was resting, she couldn't do as much. To put it another way, the family couldn't function without Theseus, and they didn't know when or if they'd see him again.
Philza and Kristin sat waiting for their son to wake up as Technoblade managed to calm wilbur down.

   "Do you believe he'll be okay?" "I can't believe he's here," Kristin exclaimed.
      After a while, the family believed Theseus was dead for real, and the kingdom had given up hope that their prince was still alive. Except for the fact that he was human because he was in the mortal realm too long.

Theseus' fae traits were delayed because he was in the mortal realm. He should've had completely developed features by the age of 16. They had no idea if he would wake up or not, but they were willing to wait.
Days, weeks, and months passed without Theseus waking up. Every day, family members would gather around him in the hopes that he would awaken.
Technoblade would read him stories, Wilbur would sing to him, and Phil and Kristin would tell him all the things he missed about the kingdom. Still, Theseus didn't wake up.

Wilbur entered the room with his guitar, still dressed in royal attire because he still had classes that he disliked. Theseus would have had the same thought.
"Hey Theseus, I brought my guitar... when do you think you'll wake up?" "Mom and dad miss you, Technoblade as well", he began to cry.
"I miss you  so much..." he began to play after wiping away his tears.

"You are my sunshine; you make me happy when skies are gray"

The kingdom rejoiced when Theseus was born. Wilbur and Technoblade, his overprotective brothers, arrived soon after.
   "Honey, he's beautiful! He's got your eyes," Kristin muttered as she wiped away tears, and her husband agreed.
The mom and dad continued to cuddled the baby, as the brothers came into the room.

"Meet your baby brother, Wilbur Technoblade."
Wilbur gained courage and moved closer as the siblings walked carefully towards the baby.
Wilbur carefully extended his hand towards the baby, who gripped it. The movement scared Wilbur, but he quickly calmed down when the baby smiled at him. He promised to keep him safe no matter what costs.

You never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away," Wilbur said, unable to continue. He sobbed because he wanted his baby brother back.

     Theseus is still sleeping after several days. The family decided to have a family dinner because they hadn't eaten together in a long time. Someone was waking up when they were eating together.
Theseus gradually awoke and realized he was in a strange place. He jerked up startled, then realized he was back in his old room. He'd also noticed a change in his appearance, going to the bathroom and glancing up in the mirror.

His ears were more pointed outwards than usual, his blue eyes were brighter, his hair was brighter, and his teeth were sharper than usual. But the small wings on his back, which he had gotten from his father, stood out to him.
Though these wings weren't quite as long as his father's, they were still rather long. He remembered everything, but he needed to meet his family first. He didn't stop to think before rushing out the door.
He was racing through the castle corridors, guards glancing at him, unsure why he looked so familiar. He kept running till he reached the large doors to his family's dining room.

When he was running, he didn't feel as tired; stealing from the baker had paid off, he argued.

   After that, he didn't think much more and simply pushed the doors open, and the room fell silent. There was a lot of laughter in the room. Philza slowly rises from his seat, his gaze falling on Theseus like had seen a ghost.

    "Are you real?" Philza questioned, hoping. Phil only needed to see Theseus nod while smiling before running towards his son.

    Theseus was on the verge of collapsing, but gratefully did not, his father's hold tightening as if he would disappear once again. He felt tears on his shoulder, but he also realized he was crying.

"I'm sorry!" Theseus cried, grasping at any of his father's clothing.

"It's okay , it's fine. It's not your fault," Philza says, his eyes welling up with tears. Theseus only nodded, his grips tightening around him. He turned around to find his mother and brother hugging him. Before opening his arms, his brother, Technoblade, gives him a watery smile.

He jumped into his brother's arms without hesitation, rocking him back and forth. He had missed this. He looked at Wilbur, who was shocked, as he let go of Technoblade. He dashed towards Wilbur, who opened his arms and engulfed him.

     "Wilbur.." Theseus grumbled as he felt kisses on the top of his head and along his hairline. From embarrassment, he buried his face behind his brother's shoulder.
     While tears streamed down Wilbur's face, he cupped his brother's cheeks and said, "I miss you my sunshine."
He sensed the presence of his other family; he was back at home and remembered them.
    He will always have special place in his heart no matter how far he is.

Note: thank you guys so much for the support on this story! I hope you will check out my other stories :D I hope you enjoyed this story

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