Casting Off

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I stood and looked around the beach. The crowds of wet and dry people began to rise from the sand floor. A few didn't, and never will.
Some soldiers rushed to tend the wounded and dead, most of us continued our own business.
We went on as if it never happened. These things just became the new normal.
We wait in line again. I think I begin to see something floating against the waves. It's a rowboat!
The waves rocked against it like a cat playing with a ball of yarn.
As it gets closer to the shore, the soldiers waiting in the water eagerly rush to grab it.
When they do, the boat is filled to the brim.
Two other boats came and picked up another two hordes of troops. They then set back out against the waves, to a destroyer.
The one ship on the dock finally left, and it was quickly replaced with another.
The row boats kept coming, and we got closer and closer to the sea.
"Do you think we'll make it on the boat?" asked Andrew.
"I sure hope so." said Daniel,  "They've kept us here long enough.
I shot Daniel a look, "I'm sure they're trying their best to get all of us out here."
Daniel chuckled and said something under his breathe.
Two more rowboats came to the shore.
They began to fill and our feet and legs were now soaked in the water.
The soldier that was running one of the boats called to us, "Yep that's it keep moving, alright that's all we can fit."
It stopped at Charlie.
"Sorry lad, that's all we can fit."
Charlie looked at us and said, "It'll be alright, I'll meet you guys in England!" He held a weak smile as we casted off to ocean.

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