𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐈𝐈

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The younger fraternal twin awoken from his deep slumber as he heard a shrill shriek catching his attention

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The younger fraternal twin awoken from his deep slumber as he heard a shrill shriek catching his attention.

He payed no mind as he didn't bother to move in his place as he just observe that snowy white tail behind the bush.

What is that?

A... tail?

The younger fraternal twin thought as he let out a yawn, "...." he blinked for a moment as he noticed the snowy white tail wagging, making him shrug and let his world end in missery as he walk towards the bush as he stop for a moment.

He noticed the snowy white tail stopped wagging as it made a shriek and made it's way as it dash towards the trees.

What even is that... i didn't even see what it was..

Fck it, i'm going after it.

Aziel pursue whatever ran towards the direction where it ran off to,

I couldn't even see what it was...

The younger fraternal twin gasp as he got tired quickly as he slightly widen his jewel eyes as he saw his elder fraternal twin with someone.

"N, noona...?" Aziel said quite shocked to see his elder twin with someone he isn't familiarize with, i couldn't help but frown at the female.

"Ah, Azy!" Let out the elder twin with a shocked expression and tone as she saw her younger twin behind her, 'I didn't notice him..! I'm a bad sister!' Thought the elder twin in her inner thoughts.

"W, what are you doing here?" Aziel questioned with a frown as he controlled his breathing making him breathe better, "I caught this." Respond the female as he held out two divine beasts in his hand.

"Raven! Ah! Is he yours?" Questioned the elder twin, "? You've never seen one of these?" Questioned the female, "....." I kept quite as i first heard his voice.

It turns out the 'she' i referred was a man!...

This is embarrassing...

And what does he mean? Athy seems to know that black animal.



That caught their attention as the elder twin turn around to look at the crimson knight looking for them both, "Felix...!"

The younger twin heard a snap from the unknown man, "Where on earth did they go?" Questioned Felix himself, "The Prince was sleeping earlier..." as he look through the trees and the bushes to find the twins.

The younger twin frowned at the unknown man in front of him, "Ah, I forgot! I've only memorized ten arlantian words. I should finish that before i go look for them." Said the crimson knight, "??"

What's with this guy?

Felix couldn't even...


𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐖𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐩Where stories live. Discover now