Chapter 1

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"Hallow... Wake up," Hallow opened her eyes to see her older brother, Charlie peering over her. Her twin sister Willow was sitting on Hallow's bed next to her.

"Are you ok," Willow asked.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Well, you were screaming in your sleep." Charlie said.

"Really loudly," Willow added. "Mom and Dad thought you were having some type of medical thing though they also said that you'll be fine."

"Of course, they did," Hallow muttered.

"Hollow what happened, when we came in you were screaming like you were being killed, we were really scared." Charlie said

"I'm sorry," she said. "I just had a bad dream."

"Ok even I don't scream when I have nightmares," Willow said. "What was it about?"

"Well, there was a little was like I was her. There were other people too but I don't know who they were..."

"What did they look like?" Charlie asked.

"One had black hair with a streak of green and green eyes and the other had pale skin black hair and... red eyes? I think it's fake because of the red eyes but it felt real. Like more real than any dream I've ever had."

"Ooh I've read about this sometimes you take a past memory but your brain turns it into a nightmare," Willow said.

"Did you read this in a fiction book or a fantasy book?" Charlie asked.

"Fantasy," she said sheepishly.

"I don't think so.." Hollow said "They called the girl Shangri."

"Weird but what happened in your dream?"

"Something about the girl going somewhere alone then.... Everything went black and there was the sound of a car severing and...." her voice trailed. "I don't remember the rest."

"Well we did get into a car crash when we were younger Remember?"

"Not really," she said.

"Oh good me neither," Charlie said. "Mom and dad won't stop talking to us about telling us that it changed our life... For the worse apparently."

"It's a car crash Charlie, what do you expect?" Willow said, staring blankly at her brother.

"I know. Anyway, don't worry, it's just a dream," he reassured her.

But the problem is she couldn't get over how real it was. But her brain couldn't remember those people who they were?

The next day at school Hallow who was normally a straight A student, because her parents wanted that, she didn't, struggled to face every class for that week she couldn't stop thinking about her dream. One day when she and her friends were walking in the park she thought she saw someone with the same black hair and red eyes. But it turned out to be just her eyes playing tricks on her.

After school one day, after school her parents were waiting at the front door for her.

"Hallow we need to talk," her father, Mr. Woods, said.

"What happened," Charlie asked.

"This is just between us and your sister."

"Ok..." he and Willow left the room.

"So, what do you need here to tell me what a terrible daughter I am?" she asked, let's just say that Hallow hated her parents and it was obvious they hated her too. They always criticized her and told her that she ruined their 'image'. They were famous people for owning a business company and they totally let that get to their head. Though she always wondered why she was hated. Was it because she was the youngest child and they thought she would be spoiled? Or did they just not want her? Because it always seemed like what she did was never enough. In anything they always said 'oh but your sister or brother is doing better.' she hated that.

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