Chapter 10

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"Now time for the game of nightmares. We're playing the game were we're at a fancy dinner party but someone has been murdered."

"So murder mystery?"


"Ok Hole Punch it's only me youse Rubber and Scissors why da heck are we playing dis game."

"Why not?"

"You know I like this game."

"Of course Scis does."

"You know what would make it even better?"

"What? Actually I don't want ta know."

"I real murder.. Hey random idea, let's pretend Olivia was the victim."

"Scissors no come on, not funny."

"But Rubber... it's fun."

"I know Scissors."

"You're being sarcastic."

"She knows."


"What in da name of origami are we going ta tell everyone else?" Tape asked pacing back and forth.

"I have no idea..." Scissors whispered.

"Well she's your child." Handaconda said. "So not my problem."

Scissors sighed. "I know..."

"So any idea of what we're goin' ta tell dem, as far as dey know right now we're not even dating."

"And to think we used to be married."

"Don't tell anyone I said dis." Tape muttered. "But I always liked you."

"Don't tell anyone about this but the feeling's mutual." Scissors smiled.

"Well glad ta know dat." he smiled.

"Ok this is cute and all," Handaconda interrupted them. "but you do realize you're going to have to tell them.

"But what will their reactions even be?" Scissors asked.

"All I know right now is that she knows about you guys.. Maybe not the stationery part or Scissors' questionable hobbies."


"Youse know he has a point."

Scissors grumbled something under her breath. Tape just rolled his eyes at her and chuckled.

"Anyway." Handaconda countiuned. "My point is she knows about you guys and she wants to meet you."

"So why not just meet her and be done with it?" Scissors suggested.

"I like dat plan."

Handaconda sighed "You guys both want to have her back right?"

They nodded.

"Well in order to do that you're going to have to tell Olly, Olivia, the Craftsmen and the rest of the Legion. You're going to have to do that sooner rather than later."

"Tell us what?" A voice from the doorway asked.

It was Rubber Band with Hole Punch and Jean-Pierre.

"Tell them now," Handaconda whispered to Scissors and Tape.

"Yeah!" Hole Punch said. "What do you want to tell us?"

"W-w-well da th-thin' is." Tape stutterd.

Scissors sighed "I didn't want to have to tell them now..."

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