Chapter 3: Complicated

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A mouthful of cat snack squeezed out and went in a stout orange cat's mouth.

'Those kids...'

The orange cat, Kayden, was lost in thought as he tossed the now empty plastic and took another snack from his side. He showed the famed swift movements of cats as he skillfully opened it before squeezing its content inside his mouth.

'They're suspicious.'

Kayden had been observing the kids ever since they stepped inside the house. From their movements to their conversations, Kayden had his cat ears perked up and his eyes sharp as he kept watch.

He found them to be very suspicious.

They spoke of many weird bizarre terms that the eavesdropping Kayden could only tilt his head in confusion.

'Hitting gods in the back? A dragon? Blowing up a whole kingdom?'

Most of the words they spoke of were things you usually hear from fantasy stories. Kayden thought it was to be expected.

It was not uncommon for children their age to get fascinated with themes like fantasy to the point of making up stories in their heads and acting it out. That's why Kayden was easily able to ignore the borderline vicious statements the kids spouted.

'And that isn't exactly the reason why they're suspicious.'


The reason Kayden found them to be suspicious was that he had felt something strange from the very first time he laid his eyes on them. He can't exactly pinpoint what it was, only that, it was a strange new feeling. It was his first time feeling something like it that he couldn't help but feel wary.

Kayden's brows subconsciously furrowed, the mountain of opened cat snacks on his side continuously increasing.

'Its certainly something to be wary about but...'

But as he continued to observe them, with how they treated the cats in Jiwoo's absence, it was clear that they meant no harm to the owner of the house. Whether Jiwoo was around or not, they still acted the same.

They were suspicious...but not dangerous.

Kayden was able to reach that conclusion as a loud voice pierced through his ears.

"I'm sorry!"

"You think a quick sorry is gonna cut it?!"

In front of him, Jiwoo was propped down on his knees like a sinner, his collar in the paw of a white cat. The white cat's other paw was raised in the air, looking seconds away from paw-nching Jiwoo.

Kayden couldn't exactly find it in him to watch his apprentice get mauled by a scrawny white cat so he spoke up.

"That's enough Kartein."


Jiwoo looked towards Kayden with teary eyes. But unlike Jiwoo's admiration filled expression, Kayden stepping in only annoyed the feral white cat even more.

"You stay out of this Kayden!"

The white cat, Kartein, all but snarled.

"The e-meow-tional damage I had to go through because of those brats..."

The paw in the air clenched and shook even more, Kartein fighting every fiber of his being not to hit Jiwoo right there and then for his impulsive decision.

Kayden internally sighed. Kartein was too worked up, it seems he'll have no choice but to use that .

Kayden started to speak in a very thoughtful tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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