Chapter 1- Where it all begins

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Dipper pov

"Mabel come on wake up we are almost there!" I said to my now yawning sister. She looked at the
view from bus' window.

"It is great to be at Gravity Falls again" she said.

We haven't been visiting Gravity Falls for 4 years, after Weirdmageddon somethings happend... Our parents died becuase of a murder, yeah a murder... Our gruncles, Ford and Stan, sent us letters almost every week. They told us that they are back from the sea and Soos is staying with her fiance (you know who she is) but he is visiting oftenly.

Our uncle took care of us after death of my parents and I must admit he could be a really good parent. He made us happier and let us go to Gravity Falls. Yeah thinking of
Gravity Falls, here we are!

I saw everyone familiar: Ford, Stan, Wendy, Soos, Candy, Grenda and... Pacifica?? What's she doing here?

"Last stop, Gravity Falls" the bus driver said and stopped the bus.

"Yeah!" Mabel shouted and jumped of her seat. She grabbed her bag and run to the exit. I chuckled and followed her.

When I got there everyone was hugging Mabel. Maybe I was jealous... just a bit. They probably didn't notice I was there too. But they broke the hug and finally noticed me.

"Hey Dipper! Look how much you grow up" Ford said.

Yeah I changed both physically and mentally. I was wearing an orange hoodie and black jeans. I also grew my hair longer. And I didn't have my Pinetree hat since me and Wendy exchanged our hats.

Mabel was a social butterfly and still is. She is still obsessed with sweaters. But she doesn't wear skirts anymore instead she wears shorts.

Wendy hugged me. "I missed you Dipper" she whispered to me. She broke the hug and exchanged our hats once again. I saw Mabel blinking an eye at me and that 'ship' look.

I don't have feelings for Wendy. I did in the past but I don't now. I hope Mabel won't ship us.

"What's up dude?" That was Soos. I am glad he didn't change.

"Everything good" I replied. "So when is the wedding?" I asked with a smirk.

"August 19. And all of you are invited"

Stan heared our converstion. And he placed his arm to Soos' shoulder.

"Yeah we'll do it in the shack. And there will be lots of guests" he said with a wide smile on.

Yup Stan didn't change too.

"It is getting cold" Candy said. I wasn't surprised becuase she was wearing a slevless top.

"We can continue the catching up at Shack" Mabel said.

We all walked to the Shack. We (Mabel and me) were shocked at what we saw. The Shack was completely re-made. It had a grey colour and the roof was red. The "Mystery Shack" writing was coloured to black and the 'S' letter was still fallen.

"Woah Soos amazing jobs you did there!"

"Thank you Dipper. I am glad you like it"

We walked in. The inside was good too but not much as the outside. When I was looking at my surroundings I saw something... Mabel and Pacifica was holding hands while looking at eachother and they were blushing!? What the...

Mabel was turning her head to this side. I didn't want her to know I was looking at them so I acted like I was looking at the snow globe next to her. She let go of her hand.

"Gruncle Stan, Gruncle Ford can I hang out with my friends?" she made a puppy eye. "Please...?"

"But you gotta unpack first"
Ford said.

"And you haven't eaten yet"
Stan add.

"Pleasee? I am sure Dipper can unpack my things for me and I'll eat with them" she made a puppy eye again, this time with more force. There was no way they would let her. And why would I unpack her things!?

"Okay you can go" Ford said.


"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! C'mon girls we have some bussiness to do!" she grabbed Pacifica's hand and run to the exit of Shack.

"Wait for us!" Grenda said. She and Candy followed them, running.

"I will be at the woods" I said with a cold voice. I didn't ask for permission becuase I didn't see the need for it. With that I grabbed my backbag and walked quickly to the woods.

The birds were singing, sun was shining. It might be cold but it is still sunny.

I walked deeper inside the woods and sat down by a tree. I took out my sketching book and thought about what I should draw. I was eating the pencil now.

I drawed a line and another one... Finally it turned into a beautiful lake view. I coloured shadows with the pencil and it was done. Yeah easier to be said than done.

A bird came and stand on my drawing.
I looked at it. It's beautiful I thought before the bird started attacking my hands.

"Ouch" I said from the pain (I was gonna write 'ah' but no you dirty minded humans)

I tried to get it off my hand but it didn't stop and this time it flied above my head. It soon grabbed my hat and started flying quickly.

"Hey give that back!" I shouted with anger and run to catch it. But it was speed ,damn. After minutes of running I finally saw the bird. The bird was standing on a statue and my hat was on the hand of the statue. The hand?

I looked better at the statue and realized it was Bill's. He turned into this when we defeated him. No wanting to stay longer near the statue I got closer to the statue's hand which had my hat on it.

"Here goes nothing"

I grabbed my hat and smiled when nothing happend.

"We really defeated him. I don't have to worry about anything" I exclaimed proudly.

But my smile faded immadietly when the statue faded away and a voice whispered to me:

We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again
Some sunny day~

Finally found you, My Pinetree.

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