Chapter Four

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Latte could not believe what she was hearing. "Oh my god-" She cut herself off by trying to explain to herself what just happened.

Her and her younger brother were sitting on their couch, (Which as soon as she had the money, she was replacing. Poor Espresso has to sleep on this!) talking about work and school. Then, her brother had brought up the model. He had come to their small cafe again? Latte was flattered, like, wow!

He explained they talked, and Latte gasped. "Um.. are you okay, Latte..?" Her brother had a look of concern on his face. Latte laughed.

"I just can't believe it!" Espresso was about to agree, a model coming to their shop was pretty surprising, but Latte spoke again before he could. " You made a friend! And a handsome model of all people! Omigosh, I'm so proud of you!" She hugged her brother, leaving him surprised.

"Wait, what-?" Espresso muttered out.

"I mean, c'mon! You talked with him! You talk to a grand total of like, two people." She mentioned Espresso was lucky she counted herself.

"That doesn't mean we're friends.." He tried to reason that talking to a customer (If that interaction even counted as a conversation) didn't mean they were friends, but Latte kept insisting that he was Espresso, and he never went to that level of customer service. Espresso decided to stop arguing, he wasn't going to win here.


Espresso returned to work the next morning, doing his basic opening routine.

He couldn't fight the small grin on his face when he saw Madeleine. Latte's words came back to him- were they really friends? Espresso wasn't sure.

"Ah! Espresso!" Madeleine entered the door, his smile immediately brightening the atmosphere, breaking Espresso away from his thoughts. Espresso decided to ignore the feeling of his heart beating out of his chest.

Espresso smiled back at Madeleine. "Hello, Madeleine." Madeleine hoped his face wasn't as red as it felt.

Why was he blushing, anyway? He barely knew the cafe worker, yet he was so interested to know everything about him and just be with him and hang out and-

'Oh,' Madeleine realized, 'I'm in love.'

He could feel his face flushing at the sudden thought. "Oh, my- are you okay?" Espresso's voice brought him back to the real world.

"Oh! Yes, sorry, it's just hot outside, y'know?" Madeleine tried to reason.

Espresso's face had a look of disbelief, but before Madeleine could ask why, he answered the model's question. "Madeleine, it's fucking december. " Oh. That explained it. Madeleine mentally cursed himself, he was never good at lying on the spot.

How was he going to get out of this one? "Are you sure you're okay?" Espresso looked genuinely concerned, and Madeleine felt horrible for making him worry.

Espresso considered closing the cafe right then and there and take Madeleine back to his shitty apartment and care for him. His logical side told him not to, but his emotional side screamed at him to help his friend.

Madeleine was trying to break the tension between the two of them, "Seriously, Essie, I'm okay," he smiled and Espresso swore his heart was going to fly out of his chest, "I promise, okay?"

Espresso was internally screaming at this point, but made no show of it. He nodded, not sure what to say now.

"Um.. the usual, right?" He asked, though he knew the answer was most likely 'yes'.

Madeleine smiled. "You know it now? Well, I can't say no to a latte made by the best in town, can I?" He laughed. Espresso laughed quietly with him.

"The best? Well, I suppose you can't..." Espresso responded, unsure of the compliment.

The rest of the early morning was spent idly chatting in between customer visits. Madeleine eventually had to leave, which saddened Espresso more than he would ever admit, but he understood Madeleine does have a job.


Madeleine exited the cafe, walking towards his car. His manager wanted to meet in-person to discuss something important with him. He sighed, and started heading in the direction of the office.

His mind never left a certain brunette barista, but that wasn't important.

Once he got there, he was surprised two of his younger siblings, Knight and Cream Puff, were there as well.

"Madeleine," Knight called in a stern voice, "We thought you were going to be late!" Madeleine ran over to his siblings.

"Well, worry not, younger brother, for I am here!" He hugged Knight with one arm, and Cream Puff in the other. "Though... why are you here?"

Cream Puff faked looking offended, "Are you saying you don't want us here?!" She sighed overdramatically, "You wound me, Madeleine!"

The oldest brother laughed, "Well, come on, let's not keep the manager waiting." He grabbed Knight and Cream Puff's hands, leading them through the hallways of the agency.


Espresso was awakened by Latte loudly exclaiming 'I'm home', before launching herself onto the couch. ( When did he even fall asleep? He wondered.)

"How was work?" Latte generally had a lot less customers since she worked later, but Espresso still wanted to know if anything interesting had happened.

"Eh, nothing special." She grinned, remembering Espresso's friend. "Soooo, how was Madeleineeeee?"

Espresso rolled his eyes. "He's fine, but he worried the hell out of me this morning." Oh? This surprised Latte. Her brother, who seemed to care for nobody, actually was worried about someone? This was interesting. When she pried for further details, Espresso explained how he kept suddenly turning red, mainly when he looked at Espresso, which worried him. Did Madeleine not like him?

Latte laughed at her little brother's social incompetence, but assured him that Madeleine liked him just fine. She didn't say this, but she thought Madeleine might've been in love with Espresso. The shock on her face when Espresso told her how he felt whenever Madeleine was around him was impossible to miss. After excusing herself, and telling Espresso to order whatever he wanted for dinner, she ran to her room, resisting the urge to scream into her pillow in fear of a noise complaint from Pomegranate. (Seriously, the walls in this apartment are so thin. If she has to hear one of Sparkling's parties one more time, she's going to release her inner Dark Enchantress-)

She grabbed her phone to text Parfait.

LotsOLatte: omggg guess what

para_para_parfait: what?

LotsOLatte: es is 100% in love with this guy LMAO

para_para_parfait: you cant just not say who IT IS


para_para_parfait: REALLY????????


para_para_parfait: GIRL HES FAMOUS THO


para_para_parfait: R U BEING SRS???? ESPRESSO?? HIM???

LotsOLatte: YES I AM

para_para_parfait: UR JUST GONNA LEAVE??

LotsOLatte has gone offline.

para_para_parfait: YOU DID NOT.

para_para_parfait: ok i see how it is >:(

Latte laughed at Parfait's anger, watching from her notifications. She went out into the living room, sitting on the couch. "I hope pizza's okay," Espresso mentioned, before grabbing a slice for him and Latte. They ate in comfortable silence, before going to bed for the night. 

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