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THE BUZZING OF LIGHTSABERS has become an ever-present sound in the Temple of the Kyber

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THE BUZZING OF LIGHTSABERS has become an ever-present sound in the Temple of the Kyber. While on sabbatical, Lyssa had decided to branch out from her usual Makashi lightsaber form, instead finding herself flourishing at Form VII, Master Windu's favoured form. Although she still holds onto Form II, the final remaining part of her that she feels is derived directly from Master Dooku all those years ago, the change is refreshing. She feels herself getting stronger every time she faces the newly reprogrammed sparring droids, the Force flowing faster and more fluidly each time she opens herself up to it.

As she faces four of them, each with their own salvaged Electrostaff, she relishes in the feeling. She is one with her lightsaber, it is an extension of herself and their energies flow together as one. Sometimes she gathers a crowd of excited children and curious Guardians. Today, however, it is just her. She relishes in the alone time, especially when she can direct her Force energy elsewhere. As much of a phenomena as the Kyber Temple is, sometimes the constant swings and pulls in the Force can become overwhelming. It took Lyssa weeks to learn how to sleep through the constant changes in the energy, weeks longer to sleep through the night. She wonders if there are any Force sensitive children around and if they feel the sensory overload she so often does.

Her days follow a similar path to the ones they did back at the Jedi Temple. She wakes up before the sun rises, stretching and meditating until breakfast is called. She's normally the first one there and she eats alone before heading to the library. She has yet to descend into the Kyber mines, she feels that Baze is still not sure if she's here on behalf of herself or the Jedi, so she doesn't push for access. She checks the news, keeping tabs on Coruscant and the Republic purely for her concern for those she cares about back home. After some time studying, refining her knowledge on the galaxy outside of the Republic, she heads for the training rooms. Method, repetition, routine. It's what the Jedi thrives on, what she has thrived on for so many years, but here it is not enforced. She's encouraged to branch out, to mix up her days and even to go forth and just exist. No code, no Council, no restrictions. It's tempting, but she still feels her loyalty strongly in her heart.

With a final flourish, each sparring droid has been dismantled in the way she has practiced. She presses the button that deactivates her lightsaber, noting the new record evenly in her mind. She clips it back onto the space on her belt, replacing the droids in their proper place. She grabs her water, taking a sip as she glances out the window at the stretching desert. It's become familiar to her in a fond way over the year she's been there, the mountainous regions uninhabitable for normal people, but a lovely place for a hike or some camping for a Jedi.

Sometimes she wishes other people were there to experience Jedha, too, but she keeps reminding herself that there will be time after her time off, she will return to Coruscant eventually and when she does, she can tell them all about the pure Force of this planet, of the welcoming civilians, of the life she's managed to carve out for herself here. The life she'll have to leave behind.

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