I . IV

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THE SINGING OF THE Force keeps Lyssa focused on her task

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THE SINGING OF THE Force keeps Lyssa focused on her task. Her hands are beginning to get sore, but that pain is inconsequential when her mind is so set on her task. Her back is slightly hunched as she pours over the pieces of metal she has collected. The time has come to forge a second lightsaber, one representative of her time here on Jedha. Her first lightsaber is purple, not unlike Master Windu's and she hopes that her second will be the same colour, especially under the influence of her departure from Makashi.

She remembers the way that Huyang had taught her to build a lightsaber. It had taken longer than she thought, having to search for the pieces herself rather than having Huyang on hand with the parts he believed would fit, but the design has come to life within her meditation. Some of them were even specially made so that it matches her other hilt. She releases the tool that she's using and lets out a deep breath, smiling down at the final piece that is now the perfect shape. With all of the parts perfectly prepared, she takes a deep breath. It's time to venture into the Kyber mines deep below the Temple and find her second crystal.

Not many Jedi get drawn to forge a second lightsaber. It's not unheard of, but it's certainly not entirely orthodox. Most of the time, from what Lyssa has read, the two Kyber crystals will resonate with each other, indicating a twin connection between the two of them that is facilitated by the Jedi's connection to the Force. But she's also read that Kyber hunting in the mines on Jedha is much more testing than that on Ilum. Lyssa is unwilling to back down from the challenge, though, wondering if her test will follow the same strands as that on Ilum.

As a recently-selected Padawan, getting her lightsaber was a huge part of her first few months with Dooku. Younger than most by quite a stretch, she'd originally incorporated her Kyber crystal into a shoto lightsaber that would be easier to use, then transferring it into a full-sized lightsaber when she was tall enough. Her connection and reliance on the Force had been tested to extreme lengths, either overwhelming her senses so much that she could only sense the Kyber crystals around her or dulling them to such an extent that she couldn't tell the difference between the shine of the crystals or the reflection of ice. She'd had to demonstrate a lot of patience for someone so young, having to wait for the thin line between her normal sense of the Force and the dullness of the disappearance of it. But she'd found her crystal and made it out before the time was up. It hadn't taken her long to build it, her connection to the crystal was unparalleled by any other Youngling in her group, and after moving away from training lightsabers, her true potential was unveiled. Or at least, that's what Dooku used to tell her.

She meets Baze at the mouth of the Kyber mines. "Are you ready?" he asks, watching her approach.

"As I'll ever be," she replies as confidently as possible. "How long are you giving me before you close up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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