He has to be okay

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Chapter 1- He has to be okay
Chicago PD- Start Digging

  Arden raced over to the 21st district in desperate need to know more information on her brother

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Arden raced over to the 21st district in desperate need to know more information on her brother. As soon as she reached the district she climbed out of the taxi and rushed into the building. She walked up the the desk "Sergeant Platt? I'm Arden Voight, here to see my father and Erin." Platt turned to faced the girl and she nodded "Erin told me. I'm sorry about your brother, I will buzz you up." Arden mumbled a quick thank you before heading upstairs. Once she was upstairs she was greeted by Erin. Arden was quick to notice the tears in Erin eyes "He is being taken off life support Arden." Arden quickly shook her head as her eyes welled up with tears "No, no he can't. He has to be okay Erin, I can't lose him too. Please, he has to be okay!" If they were taking Justin off of life support, there was no chance of him coming back. Arden heard an office door open and saw her father. She quickly pushed passed Erin and went up to him "Dad? please tell me he's going to be okay? please!" Arden looked into her fathers eyes and he shook his head "I am so sorry kiddo." Hank said to her. Arden covered her mouth and let out a painful cry before breaking down completely. Hank caught her before she could fall to the floor as she cried into his chest. Everyone around them watched as the girl broke down. "Come on, let's head to Med." Arden just nodded and followed Hank silently as she held onto his arm. Erin watched the two leave before turning to the group "That was Arden. She's Hanks daughter, only two years younger than Justin." She said as she knew the group was curious on who she was.

Arden and Hank soon arrived to Med. They slowly walked towards Justin's room. Arden wasn't prepared to say goodbye to her brother. She always thought she would always have her brother in her life. Once the two reached the room, her eyes welled up with tears once again. "I can't say goodbye to him dad, I'm not ready for him to go." she said softly as she looked up at her dad "Neither am I kiddo." He replied to her before leading her into the room. The sight of her brother being hooked up to machines broke her. She sobbed as she touched his head "You'll always be my bother Justin. Say hi to mom for me okay?" She said as she kissed his forehead. She stepped back to give her dad sometime with Justin. "I have to make a quick call dad, I'll be in the hallway." She stepped out of the room and into the hallway. She called up Hotchner who answered on the second ring "Hotch? It's Arden. I'm going to need a few days. My brother, uh he didn't make it and I can't abandoned my dad right now." "Take whatever time you need Arden. I understand. I hope you figure out who did it" She quietly thanked him and hung up shortly after. She needed to stick around to find out what happened. She looked up and saw Olive with Daniel. "Oh Olive.." She quickly hugged the girl as tears spilled from both of their eyes "I'm so sorry." She said before whipping her tears and held out her arms for her nephew "Hey there big guy." she said softly to the boy as she took him into her arms.  She knew he was to young to understand what was going on and she dreaded the day they would have to explain what happened to his father. She held Daniel close as he already looked like Justin in so many ways. Soon her dad came out of the room and she handed Daniel back to his mother "Anything you need Olive and I mean anything. You tell me okay? I'm there." Arden said softly before her and Hank left the hospital "Dad I took sometime away from work. I want to be there, I want to help find who did this to my brother." She said softly before he just nodded and the two headed back to the district. As she sat in the passenger side of her fathers SUV her phone dinged with texts from her team, all saying how sorry they were. They all knew how much family meant to the girl and wanted to be there for her. Spencer texted her the most saying anything she needed he was there. She thought about maybe staying in Chicago for a while. She didn't want to be away from her dad and Erin, not after the loss they just suffered from. The two arrived back at the distract and headed inside to intelligence. Once the two reached the top of the steps Hank received a call and headed to his office to answer it. Arden hugged Erin tightly then Al before Hank came storming out of his office "I have a location on Kevin Bingham. I want everyone to roll on the location now. First two to arrive i want to breach, he is on the run and can leave any minute. let's go"  As everyone moved around her, Arden felt lost and wanted to help "Dad let me come with. I can help, please." She begged her dad but Hank shook his head no "You stay put. I don't need you getting dragged into this." Hank said before kissing her head then leaving. She nodded as she watched everyone leave but not before grabbing Erin's arm "Please stay safe, if I could go out there I would but please just stay safe." Erin nodded then left. Arden sat down at Erin's desk and waited, hoping they would catch the guy.

Up Next...
The guy responsible for her brothers death disappeared. Arden stays around for Justin's funeral but wonders if she should stay around permanently, afraid if she leaves she might lose someone else.

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